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Mashpee Zoning Mashpee 130 Shops, Inc. 3 <br /> Board of Appeals SP-07-51 <br /> Findings of Fact <br /> SPECIAL PERMIT CRITERIA <br /> Section 174-17 and 174-20 of the Mashpee Zoning By-laws and Massachusetts General <br /> Laws Chapter 40A, Chapter 6, require a finding that the razing, extension, alteration or <br /> change shall not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing <br /> non-conforming use. <br /> GENERAL FINDINGS <br /> 1. that the subject property is located at 470 Main Street and contains 48,500 <br /> square feet. <br /> SPECIFIC FINDINGS <br /> The Board determined that: <br /> 1. the proposal will decrease the non-conforming nature of the structure and the <br /> changes will not result in a structure or use which is more detrimental to the <br /> neighborhood than the prior non-conforming structure and its use.. <br /> In view of the foregoing, the Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals found that the Petitioner <br /> met the criteria necessary for the granting of a Special Permit for Findings of Fact. Upon <br /> motion duly made and seconded,the Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously on <br /> August 8, 2007 to grant a Special Permit to allow for razing, altering and changing of the <br /> dwelling and rebuilding of a new dwelling within the same footprint. Reference plans <br /> from Sullivan Engineering, Inc. of Osterville, MA, dated July 30, 2007; and Tavares <br /> Land Design, dated October 26, 2006. <br />