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05/09/2001 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Decisions
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05/09/2001 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Decisions
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Mashpee Zoning Michael D. Crowe V-01-74 2 <br /> Board of Appeals <br /> GENERAL FINDINGS <br /> 1. that the subject property is located at 32 Popponesset Avenue and consists of <br /> 16,300 square feet of land. <br /> SPECIFIC FINDINGS <br /> The Board determined that: <br /> 1. the circumstances relating to the shape and topography affect the subject lot <br /> and not the district in which it is located. <br /> 2. the subject property is impacted by wetlands; therefore, a literal enforcement <br /> of the By-laws would involve hardship to the Petitioner. <br /> 3. without relief the lot could not be used for a residence, the purpose for which <br /> it had been laid out and for which the balance of the undersized lots in the <br /> subdivision were being used; therefore, relief may be granted without <br /> derogating from the intent or purpose of the By-laws. <br /> 4. the lot has been maintained as a separate buildable lot on the Assessor's <br /> Records and is subject to betterments from the Water District; therefore, relief <br /> may be granted without detriment to the public good. <br /> In view of the foregoing, the Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals found that the <br /> Petitioner met the criteria necessary for the granting of a Variance. Upon motion duly <br /> made and seconded, the Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously on August 8, 2001 <br /> to grant the following Variances: 1 <br /> ; I <br /> 1. 49.83 feet from the frontage requirements on Popponesset Avenue. <br /> 2. 7 feet from the front setback requirements on Popponesset Avenue. <br /> 3. 24.6 feet from the front setback requirements on Mount Vernon Street. <br /> 4. the Building permit limits. <br /> 5. fire protection access requirements. <br /> The Variance is conditioned upon compliance with the following: <br /> 1. EAS Survey, Inc. plan entitled "Site and Sewage Plan, #32 Popponesset j <br /> Avenue in Mashpee, Massachusetts, Prepared for Michael Crowe, 75 Cayuga <br /> Avenue, Mashpee, Mass., Date: 6/22/01". j <br /> 2. that the Petitioner shall provide Town water to the subject property. <br /> 3. the Petitioner shall have a fire hydrant installed that meets the Fire <br /> I � <br /> Department's requirements and specifications. <br /> 4. that the Petitioner shall extend the existing paving for 180 feet at a width of 20 <br /> feet, with the remainder of the distance down to the subject property being <br /> extended at a width of 14 feet. <br /> 5. that the Petitioner must maintain an overhead clearance of at least 13 feet to <br /> allow for access by fire and emergency apparatus. j <br /> i <br />
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