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Town of Nashpee <br />BOARD OF APPEALS 16 Great JVeck qtoad JVorth <br />Nashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Decision for a Variance <br />RE: Bruce H. & Bernadine M. Urquhart V-99-32 130 Surf Drive <br />Map 102 Block 64 <br />A Petition was filed on March 22, 1999 by Bruce H. and Bernadine M. Urquhart <br />of Mashpee, Massachusetts for a Variance under Section 174-31 of the Zoning By-laws <br />for permission to vary the sideline setback requirements to allow for construction of an <br />attached garage to property located in an R-3 zoning district at 130 Surf Drive (Map 102 <br />Block 64) Mashpee, MA. <br />Notice was duly given to abutters in accordance with Massachusetts General <br />Laws Chapter 40A. Notice was given by publication in The Mashpee Enterprise, a <br />newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Mashpee, on April 13 and April 20, <br />1999, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Petition at the Mashpee Town Hall on <br />Wednesday, April 28, 1999, at 7:30 P.M. at which time the following members of the <br />Board of Appeals were present and acting throughout: James E. Regan III, Robert G. <br />Nelson and Richard T. Guerrera. <br />This Decision is issued by the Mashpee Board of Appeals pursuant to the <br />provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40A, Section 10 and the Town of <br />Mashpee Zoning By-laws. <br />Mr. Shawn Gilfoy, a builder, represented the applicants who propose to construct <br />an attached garage to their existing home. He stated that the proposal is for a 17.6 -foot <br />wide x 22 -foot deep garage. The applicants are seeking a relief of five feet from the <br />sideline setback requirements on the back corner of the lot. The applicants have reduced <br />the size of the garage to avoid constructing within the drainage easement. <br />No comments were received from abutters. <br />