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,' ��• Irl a� �' , <br /> OTHER ITEMS I'I hu" <br /> Rick York, Mashpee Shellfish Constable was present to ask the <br /> Board about using money from an escrow account set up by <br /> Windchime Point for water quality studies. Rick would like to do <br /> water quality testing of the Mashpee River. �+M�,; • ' <br /> Tony explained thatWindchime Point is on Great Neck Road South. <br /> They were issued a special permit for a multi-family development, <br /> of about 150 units . A condition of the special permit was that <br /> the applicant would develop an escrow fund to be used by the <br /> Planning Board for water quality testing analysis. The account <br /> was at least $20 , 000 , plus interest. It has not been drawn on ; . <br /> yet. <br /> Rick York told the Board that the State, in 1985 , surveyed the � <br /> Mashpee River and found high fecal coliform counts and it has <br /> been closed to shellfishing ever since. The KV study had similar <br /> conclusions. The source has never been definitively determined. <br /> Birds are suspect. <br /> The limit for shellfishing is 14 parts per 100 milliliters of <br /> water, the river has had counts in the thousands. The limit is <br /> 200 for swimming. <br /> Rick, in testing the sediment of the river this fall , found the <br /> sediment had levels 100 times the levels of the water! While the <br /> counts in the river dropped to within acceptable levels , the <br /> sediment did not. <br /> He would like to continue monitoring on a regular basis. This <br /> monitoring would determine: <br /> - if the bacteria levels in the sediment die in the winter. III � � � • <br /> - does the bacteria grow in the sediment, which could be a source <br /> for the high levels in the water. <br /> - is the population of bacteria in the sediment adding to the II!' ,.' ' <br /> level in the water. <br /> He has been using money from the Shellfish budget to do the <br /> testing but is now out of money. He only needs money for <br /> supplies for the testing. He has a task force of volunteers who <br /> will be doing the testing. He is looking for a funding source to <br /> continue the study for 1 year. I <br /> He plans to do weekly samples, at 15 different stations for 1 <br /> They positively identify a-coli in the samples and <br /> year. The can r, i 1 <br /> also have the capacity to look for pathogens. �;;,,, , ��" •� <br /> Spyro asked what the money will be spent on? We will not be <br /> Paying someone to do the study? <br /> Rick said no, he just needs funding for the materials to conduct ;� "!b <br /> the test. The volunteers will be doing the sampling and he along 4 <br /> With the task force , made of up professional marine biologists , <br /> chemist, geologist, will interpret the data. <br /> 5 e , I <br /> �r pals <br />