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Transportation Objective A- Optional Language for the Board's Consideration <br /> To ensure that new development and redevelopment does not significantly increase travel <br /> delays or significantly degrade travel times, volume-to-capacity ratios, reserve capacity or <br /> e•�;° �' safety for surrounding roadways or intersections either during summer peak hours or on <br /> Ila _" an annual average basis. <br /> ,•�1 <br /> To ensure that new development and redevelopment does not significantly increase travel <br /> delays or significantly degrade travel times,volume-to-capacity ratios, reserve capacity or <br /> safety for surrounding roadways or intersections on an annual average basis. <br /> To ensure that new development and redevelopment does not significantly increase travel <br /> delays or significantly degrade travel times or safety for surrounding roadways or <br /> intersections. <br /> Ilk <br /> To ensure that new development or redevelopment does not degrade the existing levels of <br /> service(LOS) of surrounding roads and intersections below LOS C based on summer <br /> IN <br /> r ,n <br /> peak hour traffic volumes, or, where existing LOS is below level C,will maintain or <br /> improve current levels of service. <br /> To ensure that new development or redevelopment does not degrade the existing levels of <br /> service (LOS)of surrounding roads and intersections below LOS C based on May peak <br /> .., hour traffic volumes, or, where existing LOS is below level C,will maintain or improve <br /> current levels of service. <br /> r <br /> �ov �• <br /> LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS): Level of Service A refers to conditions where all traffic <br /> can move at maximum speeds and where total traffoc volumes are low. At Level of <br /> Service F ("failure"),traffic halts or is severely delayed for extended periods of time. <br />.i.;.�,,° +yo-• ��; II .�,; <br /> �► .; j Level of Service C the mid point in this LOS range, indicates high traffic volumes but <br /> few serious delays. Degradation to LOS D is the beginning of a road segment's failure to <br /> tai����•. .�M ,,i i'�i�r° <br /> adequately and safely handle current traffic loads. <br /> yi <br /> ,.,iNfhyr° <br /> ilk <br /> II N,• <br /> .kit ' <br />