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MASHPEE COMMUNITY GARDEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MCGAC) <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />November 17, 2021 7:00 P.M. <br />"°Popponesset Room — Town Hall" <br />PRESENT Virginia Scharfenberg, John Carter, Sheryl Carberry, Mohamed Fand <br />CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Scharfenberg called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. <br />Meeting Minutes for October 20, 2021— approval postponed until December 2021 meeting <br />COMMUNICATIONS and CORRESPONDENCE <br />REPORTS <br />• MCGAC CPA Grant Proposal — Virginia Scharfenberg submitted Community Preservation Act <br />funding proposal for garden expansion to the Mashpee Community Preservation Committee <br />(CPC) on November 1, 2021. The CPC hearing will be held December 2, 2021. We anticipate <br />approval and CPC subsequent submission of the funding request for inclusion in the Town <br />Warrant Articles for May 2022 Town Meeting approval. <br />• Community Garden seasonal closure - Ms. Scharfenberg reported that she had informed <br />gardeners via email about need to (1) clean up their plots by Thanksgiving and (2) inform her if <br />they plan to continue with fall &/or winter crops, per Rules & Regulations. She also notified <br />gardeners that the composting program had not been successful in 2021 and how we want to <br />establish procedures to ensure better success in 2022. <br />• Wait List — Sheryl Carberry and Lynn Harris have called Wait List applicants from 2020 and 2021 <br />to ascertain how many want to remain on the list for 2022 consideration. To date, Sheryl <br />reported that 6 of the 7 people she called want to remain; Lynn Harris had indicated prior to the <br />meeting that 8 people she called wanted to remain on the list; 4 people had yet to return her <br />call; and one person had moved. Two additional people have submitted Wait List applications in <br />the past few weeks as well. We will review reports to be submitted by Lynn and Sheryl to be <br />sure we have covered everyone. <br />One family moved this fall, so there is one 8 x 12 bed available. We anticipate constructing 14 <br />new 4 x 8 beds when we get CPC funding. If some current gardeners want to garden a smaller <br />space, we could suggest sharing a bed with another current gardener or someone on the Wait <br />List. These options will be further discussed and a protocol arrived at before future plot <br />assignments are made. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />• New Board Appointees —The Select Board has accepted the resignations of Stephanie <br />Simpson and Michael Talbot, as well as the appointments of John Carter and Sheryl Carberry. <br />