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 There are industrial parks in Mashpee that are developable space for businesses and <br />for housing. <br /> Carol Sherman said it would be helpful to businesses (caterers, bakers, etc.) to have a <br />community kitchen to use; Evan said that wastewater would be an issue until we had <br />sewering. Caroline Wells said that we could start small. <br /> A hotel or motel was something else the town has wanted; hotels want to be on the <br />water and that isn’t possible in Mashpee. The town also doesn’t want a large <br />commercial chain; we are a Cape Cod town and want to retain that feel. Caroline Wells <br />said that we could utilize regulatory tools to help in bringing in a boutique inn that would <br />fit in with the town. <br />The Committee also talked about things Mashpee was known for. <br /> Open space is valued; the parking lots of the trails by the Mashpee River are often full. <br />Ashley Sweet asked if the economic impact of people coming to walk the trials had ever <br />been quantified. <br /> The Wampanoag Tribe is a major consideration in town policy; they are major part of <br />the community and were here first. <br /> The ponds are another resource that attracts people and that locals enjoy; Mashpee <br />has been grappling with water quality issues that have affected the ponds and the bay. <br />Santuit has been off limits to swimmers for years; this past summer Mashpee Wakeby <br />Pond was closed for a couple of weeks due to nitrogen loads. <br />Ashley and Caroline talked about the feedback they got from high school students: <br /> The students all liked the Commons—they go there to meet their friends and socialize, <br />and they all have jobs there. <br /> They also said a girl told them how helpful childcare was; they talked about the <br />economic benefits of childcare facilities. <br /> Another student said he wished the people who came here had better cultural <br />awareness of the Tribe. <br />They asked about aquaculture. Evan and the Committee said there were several oyster farms <br />(one run by the Tribe). The farms on Hamlin Pond, Great River, Waquoit, and Jehu are mainly <br />for recreation. People can get shellfishing permits and get shellfish there. <br />Next steps: Evan said he will send out the existing conditions document to the EDIC members; <br />each member can mark it up or send him their notes. <br />Pamela McCarthy moved to adjourn the meeting; Glenn Thompson seconded. <br />Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted by Pamela McCarthy <br />