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05/03/2021 Annual Town Meeting
05/03/2021 Annual Town Meeting
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Town Meeting Warrants
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Dear Mashpee Voters: <br />This document is the Finance Committee's report on the Warrant Articles enacted by the Board of <br />Selectmen for the Town Meeting of May 3, 2021. <br />The Finance Committee is composed of seven volunteers appointed by the Town Moderator. As mandated <br />by the Mashpee Charter, our purpose is to review all articles posed on the Town Meeting Warrant and <br />provide recommendations and conclusions, as well as the impact on the tax rate. Also required is that the <br />Finance Committee provide written explanations of all articles on the warrant. <br />There are six (6) articles in the Special Town Meeting Warrant. Three (3) of these are to "clean up" matters <br />pertaining to either Fiscal Year 2020, which ended June 30, 2020, or for Fiscal Year 2021, which will end <br />on June 30, 2021. The remaining three (3) articles are: <br />• Article 4 is the first time that an article such as this is being proposed. The article will appropriate <br />and transfer funds from the Transportation Network Company Per Ride Assessment (TNC) Receipts <br />Reserved Fund to the Department of Public Works Road Maintenance Account. These are for fees <br />assessed to transportation network companies (e.g. Lyft, Uber, etc.). Half of the amount of fees <br />collected are given to cities and towns to be used for road maintenance. <br />• Article 5 is to appropriate and transfer 15% of the Revenues Available for Appropriations to the <br />Capital Stabilization Fund to provide funding for future capital improvement projects in accordance <br />with Board of Selectmen policy. <br />• Article 6 is to appropriate and transfer funds from the Capital Stabilization for the purpose of <br />purchasing and customizing an existing property to house the Department of Natural Resources. <br />The Warrant for the May Annual Town Meeting includes nineteen (19) articles. Over the past month, the <br />Finance Committee has met with the Town Manager, various Department Heads, and other Town officials <br />for guidance, clarification, and their expertise on all articles submitted. In the following report, under each <br />article, we have explained and offered our recommendation. <br />Included in these articles are the Town Manager's recommended spending budget of $62.3 million (Article <br />#2) for the new fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2021 and $1.8 million for capital improvements (Article #3). <br />The proposed FY2022 Operating Budget represents a 1.9% increase over the current year's Operating <br />Budget. This increase is driven by contractual obligations in Personal Services. The Capital Improvement <br />Budget represents a $194,646 decrease from the prior fiscal year and has no impact on the tax rate, being <br />funded by the Capital Stabilization Fund, Revenue Available for Appropriations, and other reserve funds. <br />9 <br />
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