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Explanation: This is a "clean-up" article to meet the requirement of reserving funds from the <br />supplemental CPA FY 2021 Trust Fund distribution. The amount of FY 2021 state reimbursement <br />received by the Town of Mashpee was $326,204 higher than the initial estimate and due to a <br />surplus in the FY 2020 state budget. The initial estimate was based on an 11.2% reimbursement <br />rate whereas a 33.3% reimbursement rate was actually received. We are required to set aside 10% <br />of those excess funds and deposit them into each of the CPA reserves. Funding shall derive from <br />the Community Preservation Budgeted for Appropriation Reserve. <br />The Board of Selectmen recommends approval of Article 3 by a vote of 5-0 <br />The Finance Committee recommends approval of Article 3 by a vote of 7-0 <br />Motion made by Selectman O'Hara <br />Motion passes unanimously at 7:23 PM <br />Article 4 <br />To see if the Town will appropriate and transfer from the Transportation Network Company Per <br />Ride Assessment (TNC) Receipts Reserved Fund, the sum of $5,275 to the Department of Public <br />Works Road Maintenance Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Finance Director <br />Explanation: Under Chapter 187 of the Acts of 2016, certain transportation network companies <br />must submit to the Transportation Network Company Division of the Department of Public <br />Utilities (DPU), the number of rides from the previous calendar year that originated within each <br />city or town and a per -ride assessment of $0.20. The assessment is credited to the Commonwealth <br />Transportation Infrastructure Fund and each year, one half of the amount credited to the fund is <br />distributed by the DPU to each city and town based on the number of rides that originated in that <br />city or town. When received, the Town is required to deposit the funds into a special revenue <br />receipts reserved account which must then be appropriated through a vote at town meeting. The <br />amount requesting to be transferred represents three years of assessments. <br />The Board of Selectmen recommends approval of Article 4 by a vote of 5-0 <br />The Finance Committee recommends approval of Article 4 by a vote of 7-0 <br />Motion made by Selectman O'Hara <br />Motion passes unanimously at 7:23 PM <br />