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16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />the LCP meeting. At the Kickoff she identified herself as the Chair for the MIDC and proved to be useful <br />in her breakout group. The process allowed for a facilitator for each group and there are ways to ensure <br />rules of engagement are followed. In summary, we should support the process, trust in it, remedy the <br />problem, address concerns, and reestablish trust. That is what we need. One other optic, occurring on <br />this Board and other committees, with people resigning and the concept of group process and <br />communication. In the instance of this Board, there has been an optic that looks like bullying. She will <br />let people consider that. Maybe the town can hire a consultant to come in when a Board/Committee is <br />restructured or there is toxic behavior. The mediator can help the process. <br />Mark Grecco- He was assigned to table number one at the recent LCP event on April 9t'. The woman <br />from Weston & Sampson was the moderator. They were asked to discuss the strengths, challenges, <br />and improvements for Mashpee. Mary Waygan asked to speak last after everyone already contributed. <br />After reading the article in The Enterprise, he realized Ms. Waygan chose to speak last as to not <br />influence the opinions of others. John Fulone's concerns about her participation go without merit. <br />Lynne Barbee- She will hold her remarks for the Chair of this Board for when he is back from vacation. <br />She would like to specifically address the LCP and the first workshop. The consultants explained it was <br />a document and a process, and hopefully it is far more. It must be a directive for Boards, Commissions, <br />and Committees to do more, different, better, and less because that is what the town needs and the tax <br />payers want. It is instructive to look at existing/old LCP, Mr. Lehrer will make copies of the summary <br />available, and it is several hundred pages. It will also be online. The town is a different place now. <br />Climate change and water changes are different as well as the population. Development has affected <br />the environment. It is essential to see where we were and to see where we hoped to be back in 1998, <br />determine what those in governing positions and budgets or zoning were able to accomplish and what <br />we could not do and why. No matter how much envisioning happens currently, the people in todays <br />governing positions will have to figure out how to actually accomplish the goals of the LCP, which <br />brings her to the LCP workshop. There were at least four elected officials present, not just the two who <br />were criticized. There were also many who serve on committees such as the Finance Committee, <br />Community Preservation Committee, Human Services, Conservation, and Water Commission. Many <br />brought important expertise, but all ideas were welcomed equally. We want these people on these <br />commissions and committees to be engaged because they will have the responsibility as well as Select <br />and Planning Boards to implement the LCP. These are neighbors and friends, not some elusive power <br />base. One of the strengths of Mashpee is the opportunity for direct democracy serving on committees <br />and boards and voting at Town Meeting. It requires work and participation. We want and need to hear <br />from more people. The existing LCP is the broad outreach the then Planning Board achieved, we <br />should thank them. Currently, we are on a condensed timeline for this LCP, which is a shame, but we <br />must do our best to have workshops and meetings and survey results from other residents. Hopefully <br />technology will help. As many participants would agree, putting residents in a room together can be <br />informative, creative, and productive. Others may point out negatives. She has pledged to help Mr. <br />Lehrer with as many workshops as people want. There is an extensive list of stakeholders and the <br />consultants have created tools for future workshops. If you belong to and environmental or <br />homeowners organization, or public safety, we want to do a workshop with you. She is here to help, <br />she hopes others will also. <br />