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MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES <br /> Wednesday, April 25, 1990 <br /> Meeting commenced at 7 : 30 P.M. <br /> Members Present: Tony Ferragamo, Judy Mills, Louise <br /> Behrman, -Pat Coffey <br /> Also Present: Tom Fudala, Assistant Town Planner <br /> BOARD ITEMS <br /> Tony stated that he spore with Charlie Rowley about <br /> completing the subdivision rules and regulations. He will <br /> work with Tom on this. <br /> Tony spoke with Town Counsel regarding the $50,000 offer to <br /> settle on Ramsgate. Mr. Reardon explained that the Town <br /> could be sued for not acting on the security to complete the <br /> road. He suggested they take the $50, 000 but the problem is <br /> that it may cost more to complete it. They can: <br /> - make an offer to the company to finish the road in a <br /> certain amount of days or the Town will take the $50,000 in <br /> a certain amount of days. <br /> Tony suggested getting the $50,000 and then turning it over <br /> to them to complete the road, if that will not work the <br /> Board will have have to discuss this with DPW. <br /> Mr. Virgillio was present. He stated that he has had many <br /> complaints about the road, the developer is putting in water <br /> pipe and taking out a good part of the road. He is <br /> concerned that the $50, 000 is not enough. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS ZONING ARTICLES: <br /> ARTICLE 2 <br /> Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals were present- Mike <br /> McRoonis and Richard Halpern. <br /> Judy stated that she does not support this article. <br /> Louise asked what the rationale is? <br /> Rich Halpern stated that the Board of Appeals has always <br /> taken the position that they have the right to grant this <br /> variance. Town Counsel agrees. In the last two years they <br /> have never granted it. <br /> Sometimes there are reasons for the dock to be extended for <br /> environment reason, including shellfish. <br /> He stated that now they are putting it into an exact spot in <br /> the by-law. <br /> Tony stated that he has no problem with a clear and concise <br /> by law but it does not clarify the considerations placed on <br /> grating of a variance. There is no criteria, no way to <br /> judge if a variance is to be granted. None of the reasons <br /> Mr. Halpern stated are legal reasons to grant a variance. <br /> Tony stated that the section they are putting it in has <br /> nothing to do with hardships, it does not deal with docks <br />