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16 Great Neck Road North <br />9vtashpee, Nassachusetts o2649 <br />small sentence providing examples. Natural includes beaches, ponds, forest, and open space. Built <br />includes roads, bridges, and bike paths. She also referenced the Systems Concept slide 7, is <br />confusing and a little heavy. She would opt to remove this and leave everything as is, she doesn't <br />want to lose people. It has the systems then goes to the workshop goals. She has been getting <br />feedback. <br />Ms. Wells already deleted this slide for the same reasoning. <br />Ms. Waygan would like the slide kept on hold until the draft LCP with the technical pieces. She kept <br />a note for the internal agenda. <br />Ms. Wells noted a tentative change. They found some sessions had to be condensed within the <br />workshop due to time. She revised this agenda to account for that. <br />Mr. Lehrer recited a brief overview of the schedule for the day, sign in will begin at 8:45a.m. <br />Ms. Waygan will facilitate and she will have the agenda. She would like the examples of Natural <br />Systems on the bottom as a cheat sheet. She noted best practice for facilitating means collecting <br />information, keeping the conversation going, and not inserting your own opinion. The facilitator will <br />be busy listening and writing everything down. <br />Ms. Wells reminded members of the Board to ask people to slow down or repeat or reword if <br />needed. Sometimes people are talking over one another. <br />Ms. Waygan announced Mr. Lehrer and the intern will need to leave at 10:15a.m <br />Ms. Waygan would also like a takeaway for people who miss the meeting. They should have a write <br />in on the back. The last sheet provided was given to the Planning Board one day prior to the <br />workshop, which did not allow time for comments. She supports the question boxes on the front and <br />the Natural Systems definition. She would like to add the goals of the current LCP in addition to the <br />goals set forth by the Cape Cod Commission in regards to Systems. She asked the Town Planner to <br />do a comparison last week, they are really not that different. Residents want to know why the CCC <br />goals are being used. The more transparency you have the more trust you have. <br />Mr. Lehrer did not have time to edit these. He alluded to the shared opinions regarding edits. He is <br />looking for a consensus on consistency between the two workshops and these sheets are a prudent <br />approach. He asked if she would be amenable to a separate worksheet. <br />Ms. Waygan does require a separate sheet, she will let people know the comment is on the front <br />and the information is on the back. <br />2 <br />