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Mashpee Select Board <br />Minutes <br />August 22, 2022 <br />Present: Selectman David W. Weeden, Selectman John J. Cotton, <br />Selectman Thomas F. O'Hara, Selectman Carol A. Sherman <br />Town Manager Rodney C. Collins <br />Assistant Town Manager Wayne E. Taylor <br />Meeting Called to Urder by Chairman Weeden at 6:30 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall, Waquoit Meeting Room <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Susan Dangel, a resident of 762 Cotuit Road commented on the proposed October Town Meeting warrant which <br />omits the article planned to authorize funding for the design of the Phase II sewer project. Funding was to be <br />considered using $350,000 in ARPA funding. <br />Of the 15 Cape towns only 6 applied for ARPA funds. One town has placed a second request. Ms. Dangel <br />urged the Select Board to move forward with the design as soon as possible for the clean water initiative and to <br />maintain eligibility for State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans. (enclosure) <br />Ken Debrowski of 3 Great Field Lane indicated he is grateful the Town has secured Ray Jack as the primer to <br />work on the wastewater initiatives. However, as a result of the events occurring during the past few weeks there <br />is an expression of frustration and confidence which in his opinion require fundamental attitude changes. <br />Mr. Debrowski also noted the Town has expended funds for software to implement the Residential Tax <br />Exemption. He asked if the Select Board intends to move forward with this action. <br />Scott Murray conveyed a brief concern regarding wetlands. <br />Marcia MacInnis, Dixon Drive expressed appreciation to several Town officials for assisting in her inquiries <br />regarding the contract with Mashpee TV. It appears the Town has enough flexibility to allow the Town Manager <br />to add the Affordable Housing Committee meetings to the MTV broadcasting schedule. In reviewing a summary <br />of viewership, Affordable Housing is noted to be more popular than the Zoning Board of Appeals, and slightly <br />less popular than the Sewer Commission meetings. (enclosure) <br />Glenn McCarthy a resident of Popponesset commented on the wetlands in comparison with the overall health of <br />human lungs. Wetlands filter nitrogen, manage stormwater, slow flood impacts and provide wildlife habitat. <br />Building and overbuilding was compared to smoking and the decline of lung health. Mr. McCarthy asked what <br />the Town would be able to do to restore the wetlands and to bring back our health. <br />Greg McKelvey of 11 Menemsha Road revealed his candidacy to fill the vacancy on the Select Board. Mr. <br />McKelvey spoke in support of the Agreement with Blue Sky Towers, a benefit for public safety, slated for <br />affirmation tonight. With regards to the Town Meeting articles to be considered this evening Mr. McKelvey <br />advocated for public discussion and transparency. <br />