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Meeting Held: JulY 15 s 1965 <br /> Present: Richardson Jonas, Harry Tabb., Leo Houston, Marvel Stalcup <br /> lair. Otto Dorrer the 5th member of the Board was present. <br /> Letters from the following received objecting to the <br /> American C ent ral Go.' devel opine nt...i..- <br /> Donn C. Lounsbury, Lic. Eng. of N.J. <br /> Charles F. & Dorothy C. Johnson Mashpee <br /> The notice of the public -Hearing sent Mr. Lawrence D. <br /> Shub ow an ab utt or was returned as he had moved and n eve r <br /> bothered to pick up his notice as he said he knew ghat it <br /> was. <br /> Since our last meeting atl Mashpee Voters and <br /> Property <br /> pro a rt� own ers <br /> received aste stencil letter from Mrs. Hazel W. Metzler, Seely, <br /> Ashumet-John's Pond Assoc. urging all to reject development <br /> as well as the planning Board and Town Officials with the wish to <br /> act prudently and reject for a.11. concerned. <br /> There were approxinatel.y 40-50 members of the Taxpayers Assoc, <br /> present and Mr. Homeyer a who conducted the meeting, spoke in <br /> their behalf and invited the Planning Board members to sit in <br /> on the meeting which they did. <br /> Mr. Beecher, Atty� for the petitioner spoke -- had nothing more <br /> to add. <br /> Mr. Robert McDonald -= John's Fond and an-Attorney- said Mr. <br /> Wheeler put in deeds sold to objectors that each one family lot <br /> should have 100 of beach frontage and they feel with this re- <br /> striction on their lots should also against the 340 <br /> families in the development. They also feel. the spirit of re- <br /> restriction- imposed by Mr. Wheeler has been violated. He said <br /> the courts have upheld other. cases where tktis condition has tome <br /> about. <br /> Mr. Lawrence Bhiabow, Attorney, said developers showed on plan <br /> that Hoophole Road to be 401 wide where it is only 15' wide -- <br /> the rest of the land being private property belonging to some <br /> of the abuttors. <br /> He went into Court today and filed and Preliminary In just ion <br /> against developers from taking adjoining land from present owners <br /> must take from their own land. <br /> r z Mr. Beecher, Atty. for developers advised any <br /> reasonable suggestions of planning Board will be considered. <br /> 11r. Alper claims Charan of Board of Health says John's Pond wi.1l <br /> be polluted in 1 year. <br /> Fir. John Boschetti. and Mr. George Yiarkham both spore in opposition <br /> to development. r. <br />