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Igeeting Held: December 9, 1965 <br /> Present: Richardson Jonas, Leo Houston., Harry Tabb <br /> 8 P•M. Mr.. Savery was in and discussed different things <br /> the Planning Board should do when plans are brought in. <br /> Also made suggestions re Mr. Zirkowich's plan, <br /> 8:45 Mr. Zinkowich. and Mr. tdnn came in and Mr.. <br /> Jonas asked if they had their-Bond and was advised they <br /> did not have it* They claim that they would have to put <br /> up 10a% collateral for a $10.,000 Bond. <br /> lr. Savery again advised the number of. catch basins and <br /> berms which should be put in. <br /> After much discussion pro and con re the Band: catch basins <br /> and roads the meeting a,d j ourned at 1000 P.YI. <br /> s 'e <br /> Clerk <br />