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Town of Mashpee Planning Board <br />Meeting held at Mashpee Town Hall on October 7 , 1970 , <br />at 8 : oo P, M, - <br />Present: Messrs: Richardson Jonas - Chairman, Joseph Delaney, <br />Arthur Koch and Earle Marsters - Temporary Clerk <br />Absent: Mr. Thomas Saunders <br />Mr. Harry Landers of 15 Flagler Drive, Marshfield, <br />protested- that Timberlane had subdivided his property and wanted <br />us to revoke their subdivision. Upon investigation, it was <br />determined that his property had never been officially sub- <br />divided, but was shown on a proposed layout- developed for Timber - <br />lane. we further advised him that determining ownership was not <br />a function of the Planning Board. <br />1 4' / 754 c- 15P <br />The Board Lni a4t�d- a change on Francis Killorin' s <br />covenant to show the ownership as Francis Killorin , trustee of <br />Custom Builders Trust. <br />Mr. John Begg, President of the Timberlane Shores <br />Association complained about the e-xtens ion of the letter of credit <br />covering Timberlane' s road construction. we informed him that <br />they would not receive any further extensions, <br />Mr. Charles Savery submitted a preliminary plan of a <br />48 lot subdivision- for John Umina covering land off Quinaqui sett <br />Avenue. It was agreed that access to the land of Owners unknown <br />would be provided - 401 if no other access can be shown . The <br />C & v easement will also be shown as reserved for recreation and <br />park land, with two access points. <br />Mr. Whitney submitted a plan under "Approval Not Required" <br />straightening out a curve in Great Oak road owned by the Popponsset <br />Corporation. <br />