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minutes 4/2/?5 <br /> page 3 <br /> mr. Doane said if next year the town applied for money for <br /> d. velopmen of land around the Indian Museum, It would have <br /> appeared, in the summary as something the town planned to do <br /> and is attempting to Follow through on& The town has then <br /> identified areas of developmento <br /> Also o Mra Doane mentioned, the section in the application <br /> which identifies the need 96'r low "income housing and q a <br /> far as HUD is concerneds Mashpee has taken steps to fill <br /> that need. through Ceps Cod. United Church Homes* pro j ec . <br /> block grant 'is given to the town to use as it sees fits <br /> It would. be up to the Selectmen to implement the program <br /> ,n 'HUD holds the town fiscally re sponsible t T i; `or e <br /> the town to look at the long term need and goals of the <br /> cty.ommun i <br /> In summing up, Mr. McMahan sald this summary is one step <br /> in the application for the grant for the senior Citizens <br /> building and paves the way for future grants. He expressed, <br /> a desire to have the members of the Board suggest areas <br /> which they feel should be included in the summarya <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10: 150 <br />