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P'inutes of the <br /> ,ieetin of the <br /> PLAntNI G BOARD <br /> DATEt July 21, 1976 <br /> TIME: 8100 <br /> PRESENT: Thomas Bourgeois Earle Marsters <br /> Richardson Jonas Harold Collins <br /> Philip Holmes, C.E. <br /> Thomas Dempsey discussed the Leonard Peck subdivision with <br /> the Board. At• a. previous meeting, the Board wa.s informed <br /> that Devon Street had been constructed only as far a,s the <br /> centerline of his lot and trees had been planted the rest <br /> of the by the developer, obstructing access to the other side <br /> of Dir. Dempsey' s lot. He now informed the Board that Dir. Peck <br /> has planted beans in the area. shown on the plan a.s Devon St. <br /> and lot b is being built upon. <br /> At that previous meeting, the Board ruled that the covenant <br /> would not be released on any lot in the subdivision until <br /> Devon Street was constructed to the intersection of Falmouth <br /> Road and a. temporary turn-around paved there. Dir. Dempsey <br /> understood that no Lots could be sold with a. covenant re- <br /> striction. The Board said thb sale of lot b could have been <br /> handled without financing or legal aid,, an action over which <br /> the Board has no control. The Board will check its records <br /> to be sure the covenant has not been released. <br /> James Linwood, represented 'y Michael Dunning, presented a <br /> proposal for dividing a. parcel of land off Route 130 on Amos <br /> Road into two lots. There is a. house and a trailer on the <br /> land. The owner plans to build a, house on the second lot. <br /> Mr. Dunning would Like to submit the plan as Approval Not Re- <br /> quired. <br /> There was a difference of opinion on the status of Amos Road. <br /> P17r. Dunning contends it is a public way, as stated in the law. <br /> The Board does not consider it adequate access or define it <br /> as a public It is a. narrow dirt road extending from Rte . <br /> 130 to Amos Pond and is shown on the town map. Town Counsel <br /> will be sent a copy of the plan for a. ruling. <br /> A hearing was held on a, plan owned by William Marsters, 25 a.c. <br /> containing 44 lots located on S. Sandwich Road. and Lakewood Men?oria2 seri <br /> Drive and known as "Lakewood Heights." ;lir. Marsters was pre- ieldat"11a,m. Q <br /> sent and represented by Allen Kingsbury. Mr. Holmes submitted . Voo shHoe. jbi i <br /> a letter of conditions, which have all been met. Mr. Marsters 1e pvivate.- <br /> will add a, restrictive access to lots 8 and 24. The long dis- <br /> tance to the rifle ranges of the abutting Road & Gun Club was 'erfho 'Gray <br /> noted. Took back the linen. Will pay fee later. PHOENIX, <br /> Gray, 93, of <br /> )th Ave.,, died <br /> n Sunday, <br />