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11/16/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/16/1983 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> ?LAN11.U4G bOARD �!INS TES t November 1£,P 1 $ <br /> � 3 R � ��` : Carle �.arsters f 'qarol,d Co, 11"n.s, 7ichele Stoae, Richardson Jonas, <br /> Ri hard Dubin <br /> CUR SU LT ING RX IKK'R: Charles L. R*vl ey <br /> TW: 8:.05 P•mo <br /> fere were no minutes to be reviewed. <br /> Florence pacala had come before the Beard at the last meeting with an. AWR but hadn't <br /> brought the linen to �e signed* She thus submitted a Fam A and $45 for 3 lots. The <br /> Board round no problems and all voted in favor of signing the plan. 'She left 4 copies. <br /> Soo t t McAsy3e and Richard -Grace came before the Board regarding the intersection of <br /> Fairway Lane mid -Iron Wes. Mr. Rowley stated there was a pro'hlem regarding the <br /> catch ba s=` s as there are some utilities in the area and if they tie in a third basin <br /> they'1.1 het into proulems with -the utilities; and so he suggested a separate <br /> basin over to the other easement; that they should redirect the pipe or put in a <br /> manhole and extend the pipe to a low area as it's nwt low enough now where shown. <br /> They would have to angle the pipe to a low point, and can' t take the pipe right across <br /> ;the road and can't ite between them directly as it won't discharge properly. <br /> r* MeAskle said he would correct i t. <br /> They went on to say there would have to be a change in drainage as shown an Wage 2 of <br /> the plan. fir. Rowley said the pipe is now on 4' of fill and 4' above the bottom. He <br /> said to prevent erosion and the pipe fxo m breaking, it should be dropped down to the <br /> bottom of the hole. They vo uld have to s traa ten it back at basin and pitch it demm <br /> t0 71 and then it will be 1' above the bottom. and reduce the fill above the pipe. <br /> r. M.arst ers asked what do you de with the outlet and fir. Rowley saJ d they VaUl put <br /> rubble stone at the end of it and water will run ever the stene. <br /> Mr. Rowley said- page 4 of the plans showed a piece of drainage pipe going acro ss e, The <br /> 'Way was graded. and there is no low spot so they don't need the pipe in the hole and they <br /> can eliminate i.t s <br /> Xre ILarsters said it seems that hr. Rowley already went over everything and he thinks <br /> they are workable solutions. He took a vote and all were in favor of raking thc. <br /> changes as long as Mr. Rowley gets to .i.nspect it* <br /> . . Rowley waated to I ew about getting dawn there when they expose the pipes at the <br /> entrance to Mid Iron Vay. He felt if they had, to wait for him it would hold up the <br /> rest of the project. He said he has no problem if Rayes writes the Board saying it <br /> waa ek and $ending a letter to the Board. The Board found no problem with it and agreed <br /> to have Hayes -Eagiaeer J ng (Pete..., whose signature i s on the plan) to c ear t ify anal approve <br /> it and send a letter to the Board and a copy to lb� , Rowley. The Board asked. 11r. Grace <br /> tfo make the corrections on the plan and get it back to them. <br /> : re larsters felt New Seabury Corp. should be balled for Mr. Rowley's inspections as <br /> they didn't pay the fee to coNler it, as they do road construction differently and don' t <br />
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