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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: 8-17--83 Cony d. Wage 3 <br /> The Board read the letter from Mr. Sherman regarding the zoning of his <br /> land on Rte. 28 and Turtleback Rd. (s' ee attached) <br /> Mr. Marsters felt since it was going -to be the goal of the Growth Study <br /> to review the C-2 areas, the Planning Board should hand Mr. Sherman' s <br /> case over to them to do at the same time. <br /> Mr. Jonas felt Mr. Sherman wouldn't be satisfied with that and the <br /> Planning Board should handle it and hold a public hearing. <br /> It was the consensus of the other members that it would be more logical <br /> to have the Growth Review Committee handle it . They took a vote and <br /> all were in favor. A Letter 'was dictated 'to 1,nr. Sherman informing him <br /> the Growth. Review Committee would be handling it and a letter was <br /> dictated to the Growth Review Committee telling them of the situation <br /> and copies would be sent to Town Counsel , <br /> Mr. Marsters informed the Board that the Growth Review Committee had <br /> been formed a-nd he read a list of the members. He went on - to say since <br /> he was serving on the Design Review Committee: he f blt someone else should <br /> serve on the Growth Committee. Mr. Collins made a motion to nominate <br /> Richardson Jonas to serve on the Growth -Review Committee, Ms. Stone <br /> seconded and all were in favor. Mr. Marsters dictated a memo to the <br /> Selectmen stating such, <br /> It was asked that on each -agenda would be placed to get reports from <br /> Per. Marsters and Mr. Jonas as to what the two committees are doing. <br /> Mr. Marsters reminded everyone that- there would be a working session at <br /> the next meeting, 917, with the Growth Review Com'.itt ee on the sign code <br /> and asked that -everyone review it , It would start at 8 : 3G P.m e <br /> Mr. Marsters brought up the problem of the Town having no method of <br /> accepting roads , He said they should consider that whenever a subdivision <br /> is approved and the roads approved by the Town Engineer, they should have <br /> a vehicle to have the Town consider taking it over, He felt it was the <br /> only long term solution to keep roads up, if the Town takes them. lie <br /> asked Mr. Rowley to review methods of other towns and make a suggestion. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 8-3--83 <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10 : 48 p.m. <br /> Respeg,tfully subm;tted, <br /> Sandra L. Peters, Secretary <br />