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PLANNING BOARD <br /> 'own of Mashpee <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: April 2o, 1983 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Terry, Richardson .loans, Harold Collins, Earle Mars t ers <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Michele Stone <br /> CC Ns nT INC ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: 8:0o p.m. <br /> The minutes were accepted and adopted for 4-6-8 3. <br /> Petitioner: Pine Tree Acres, Inc. <br /> Submitted by: George Benway <br /> Type of Plane Approval not Required <br /> Location: Central and Bates Roads <br /> Fee.* $15.o0 <br /> Mr. Benway had presented this plan before but the layout on a road was improperly <br /> drawn; it has been redrawn. He stated it's just a perimeter of Lot C which consists <br /> of commercial and residential land, <br /> The Board signed the plan and Mr. Benway left 4 copies, <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Peck came before the Board for a covenant release on their roads in <br /> their subdivision off of Quinaquisset Rd. <br /> Mr. Rowley said according to what' s on file, the Board had requested that the <br /> subdivision road be extended 5 0' beyond Lod' 4 and it doesn't appear to go far <br /> enough. He also said the catch basins need to be cleaned out and the bounds have <br /> been disturbed at each end of Cedar St. and `-hey should be acc' urately set so you <br /> have something to go by. <br /> Mr. Peck said he would hire a contractor to clean the catch basins, He also said <br /> Devon St. was meant to go down to Falmouth Rd. but the grade was too deep and Mr. <br /> Rowley agreed it couldn't be constructed wall having a deep grade. Mr. P ecK said <br /> he had gotten permfsslan to go 25' beyond Devon St. and filled in a little to <br /> maintain level compatible. He said he has an agreement to sell lots 2,3&4 to one <br /> person so access will be off of Cedar St. <br /> The Board agreed to release Lot 7 at this time as he has a purchase agreement on <br /> it and when the bounds are put in and the catch basins cleaned out, they will <br /> release the 'other lots. Also when they release the other lots the covenant' will <br /> state that lots 2,3&4 must be redivided into 2 Lots, The roads would have to be <br /> reinspected when the other work is done and prior to the release, <br />