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11.:...1� _..J' R. S IRE f'E ti�y �!.���.��iL�1.J .3.k'.a. .Z��� +��4 a� ��a _� �L i 1 l f��� � e �J�F'.��� <br /> � �•� `Hers, any: 1iicha rd.S is J 0 11 a. <br /> , J• ���'.-�',���{ �.���1-'� N'.5`E a ✓l.i a r e, R �irt..�.:e y P ra e-'`r it k <br /> T IIm4j, .t p p 0 <br /> G mr r.�1 G1 G i, -e are d b e f o r e the, <br /> B c a d� �r. -�-•,--. -t• n r z� C'7 r'3' C'. � <br /> �,� �,� <br /> 10 <br /> at. the last meeting lF�'ere incorporated in a new plan submitted to the <br /> 4 <br /> o rd �"r �? vjI e 4 Z,,teCI t h a t th.i s P1an �r0L s a E i T it cow--o��e s <br /> VT_;_�� ���� ���,�.�����_;�:���� and ����� ���aris�ter s s to�e d `��e li des t��e irva�Y ..� S <br /> Ilu7 a n�� ?�� f �� s������?ed. '�h! s p}an does not re����ire app�.oval. �us-1- �. <br /> Io2inul a]. T�n�L.e �? t1- Board tc) •a c c e 1,t t_nc ip1 an. A mo t?_o n was ad(9 by <br /> I1=r. ��a.r --t eO _ - h t I i; l± o r s r' io�r�. 7 z�.c i w Ca�rZI <br /> been corrected we accept this plan. .seconded and alDproved, <br /> mr. Mars tern asked i f the architecture ske-tch�s were submitted, <br /> Mr,- uessner stated they were, This will be two-stor-v buildings, <br /> gar 1�.s; and bas e nent � . h 'aundry area utility rooin and s for a�;e) <br /> in ea h unit. The only sign vnill he a sign with the name o the <br /> condominium (When a name has -been decided wrpon) A sketch of the sign <br /> was req e sted and Mr. Lessner will het one to tie board as soon as <br /> the name has been determined f <br /> Regarding Quashn' .et Valley,, Mr,, Rowley presented copies to the Board <br /> of a letter regarding drainage. The Board of Health* and Conserva� <br /> t i on `otnmission will receive copies of this letter <br /> Lot gees were discussed. The f ee is S15, but ii a public heari=no <br /> is held, then it is $200. At the ne-21-t meeti ng we will consider <br /> ma.:dizr�.G the Fee schedule to, e It clearer <br /> ,egardi ng a memo rro,,nn Rober'� t.atson on a second amendment +o <br /> Section o1 the 2ohing B -L' aws it was noted that the or?g- nal <br /> a`'' .c e via s oX., a , sTrer ed , r., i.d :�u�v y o r or v i� Z7.g_ ne�1'41% As <br /> ; .� i � n��i �� u can� t t 1 �. s bo .n C ar' � ?t :�l�ou k d e only <br /> .a keg ter ed Lcand i'Ll rV 14-ney0_L <br /> = ee rge ,Nenw,a y DD e a�''e _ J e ■ore t`3 e 30requesting a 1 a on. <br /> h '}} y tt. rr ` <br /> i ~c�+�.A� x n t +-.P r� ..-LPL b 4 1 I � * s-7 !s}`3 ` ti G� q' r r F r c■ i <br /> �� t t'_n e ��^ ve ��;e��er been bui t an�a �e = o Si ne �� � S I <br /> !i V 1.Ay.�a f`��-••1 ��r � rr 7� V.�ry�717�1 -;R Y� T',''TE �r��rY+��`T[S'F�^-'y' �e S� f �' scheduled <br /> r tw <br /> ? �:.v i ..L i 3 rr�.#.r -,1 l� ti..- ;!,�fir..? R.rf .i.. .■. s.✓6 v wr �!r� L .i..L <br /> i C' Y^w;r.Sri r.. .r-s .�.4 r 'ry Yr r ti r-r e•-irii r Fi �'1 y •�•7 �_ r <br /> M 1✓'ti% L.` = C.; -'.l i. _- 1J ._.��."Cr =S.A�•T } .d�f�� 1� 1L V� `.r� j j�..�i 7� f y1 e i.�i,�.� <br /> �[+al, ='r+r ,^S '� �'",n i � �: �^Z �ry ',��-i� nm s f .--�rs�r, � N �r -.-+-� r-• r► r w F' , !-r1 <br /> J. <br /> J. <br /> g^.,"7 :•.E' n f+'Cl z"? �C) �.i D 1r C - 't "fry r -; r ti -• r-'° p ' . h r '�,. r, .L r., <br /> d t• ' ��`. L i r ;.. ti•� ,� u _i.i� s t.' - s !' �, G?�:s ta�. o <br /> _II <br /> ra�.��+!�•9,�='" �y: '"��� � �' * i�l�": �Gi�:,] j�r`�r't i. �.ti,�±y� q..,� ' 9 �f'ti 'i e!f�1 r'i_"7�'7 T T �� •T� W � s <br /> ...i. ►-�.;ter ` U .�.+ t C_._. i.� ti "I Q. L �a �.�•��r is.i.� V r U <br /> r <br />