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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M ashpee <br /> FLAIL ING B OAn h=T1 TAG+ J anuarY 5, 1983 <br /> YMBER3 pRFSETT: Richard Terry, Earle T?arsters, Michele Stone <br /> 10"BERS ABSEUTt. Harold Oo llits, Richardson Jonas <br /> N LT1NG F M liTEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME: 6: p d m. <br /> The ma"Mutes were approved and adopted for 12-15-82. <br /> 1W. Gilmore who was scheduled to meet with the Board asked if he could <br /> return at the February 2, 1983 mieeting at 8 x 00 ptme as Mr* Rowley hadn't had <br /> time to review his.packet. The Board weed. <br /> Mr. Umina and Mr. Slavinsky returned for the continuance on the hearing of Qua.shnet <br /> Valley's Country Club. Lane. Mrs. Rowley pr a sent ed a report regarding the entrance- <br /> way onto Old Barnstable Rd. and how it could be accomplished to minimize .any <br /> danger on the curve; The report is on file. <br /> Mr. Umina, and Mr. Sl.avin sky presented new plans <br /> Slope & drainage easements <br /> A Napo Vith- e Cisting and proposed presented <br /> Flan showing 2 watersheds detailed and neW calculations vv ith 3 new roads <br /> proposed for later oa <br /> On the plan they stated R-3 zoning' classification, record winer and abut tors <br /> A si.t e plau 'with dr wage presented <br /> Proposed and existing contours -were presented <br /> Underground utilities can't be shown until after the plan is signed <br /> Mr. Max seer s asked -Yrhat the total numberof units aad lots and ould be when completely <br /> developed. _ <br /> T61r. .responded there are going to be 1,32 units ire -the present sedation and <br /> 150 units and 70 lots proposed, for the other section. <br /> 011'r. Rowley Felt Club valley In. would fall undez-- the category of a major street <br /> and should the"+efor e be paved, nor e than the usual 201 . He said horizontal al�.gxx- <br /> men.t is another consa,der*ation for it to ?,)e rwider. He felt if it was n.arrow and <br /> there sn-as a lot €af:tra,1'Tic, it 7i#oul.dn't �e ease to ride on. <br /> Er. v irgili.o Who Ifi as present, and other Boax'd �e�i.�er�-dld,n't feel a eider road <br /> -would be necessary. Mr. Umin.a said it -would be a dead-end street and not a <br /> thruvi ay. <br /> The Board Feed they could go with the 20' pavement. <br />