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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpee <br /> P G BOARD YaNUTES i December 1, 1982 <br /> B R - T Earle 1.1arsters, Harold Collins, Yichele Stone <br /> DONS BM'T t Richard Terry, Richardson Jonas <br /> C0113ULmINGENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME NOD 80000 p.m. <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for ll-17 -82 <br /> Petitioner*, Richard DePamphilis <br /> Type of plan; Approval Not Required <br /> Location-: Four Seasons D r. <br /> Fee: $20.00 <br /> r. Depamphi lis presenxteo an ANR plan which combined Lot 2 & 66 on Four Seasons <br /> Dr# to make a non-conforming lot conforming. He said 'it would be used for a. <br /> single family house -and r e cr eatio f a'cili ti e s. <br /> He also informed the Board he was no longer going to have time sharing as they <br /> lots 6 months in building a 'they will have detached condos. <br /> The pl.a .ng Board signed the plan aid gave one copy to the Highway Dept. <br /> Charles Buchzngham, a member of the Board of Health, came cefore'.-the Hoard to <br /> discuss their memo to the Board refe=ing to Mass• Gen. Laws Chapter 419 section <br /> 81k, et ceq. <br /> Yx. Buckingham stated there's a matter of controversy between the two Boards. <br /> He said the Board of Health addresses water problems and (3.ainage and he felt <br /> the .RZannxng Board isn't ask J for these things in the plans they accept. He <br /> said the Board of Health had previously sent letters stating the requirements <br /> they are asking for on preliminary plans. <br /> Mr. Rowley felt the Board of Health can't turn a plan down due to drainage except <br /> when it pertains to building sites. <br /> Mr. Buckingham said he is also looping for water slepe, radiant of ground water <br /> floe. He said he would like to see the overall view so they can see what can <br /> happen and what the possibilities are and without it his Board can't make a <br /> d e ci sio n. <br /> 11r. Rowley stated the Board of Health must be more specific when they turn a plan <br /> down. The B.laxming Beard, must have a letter stating -what is needed and what they <br /> are loo�3.� for. T,r. lax sters added ti might be best if a fairly large plan came <br /> in., that a member of his. Board come to the hearing. <br /> It -was weed that Mr. Buckingham would send the Board another letter stating <br /> What the Board of Health requiraments are, and the Planning Boai d tould seat <br /> i <br />