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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Torn of Mashpee <br /> AS e <br /> PUMTING BOARD MINITTES&O 10,w6�82 ............................ <br /> Yr. Jonas asked it when they say public reads, do they mean town owned roads. <br /> 05 <br /> ,mr s. f abate said not treat's why it should read tavm-owned roads. It should be <br /> sppecified. She also saa.d it could mean trouble if not worded properly and it <br /> could get in trouble with the Attorney Genera.. <br /> The Board again asked Tyr. Virgilio if it will ado what he would like it to doe <br /> Mr. Tay asked if someone wanted to open up the road for utilities, would this <br /> amendment cover it. Mr. Rowley felt they 'were talking about two different things <br /> and kr. V i.rgilio agreed. <br /> Mr. Terry asked all who were in favor of this bylaw. <br /> All four members present *weat on record as being in favor of it. <br /> Mrs. Labu t a asked if they 'w er a voting on the amended amendments <br /> Mr. Terry said they voul d have to vote on it as reads with the pi�ovi so that they t r e <br /> going to include the opening of any street and not building and they also <br /> want to 1.nclude wording to the affect to town-,owaed property and , somehow restrict <br /> private-evened property, and have the warding in. Town Counsel's own. writing. <br /> John Umina <br /> Qua shne t valley Country Club <br /> Mr. Umina and engineer John Slavinsky present' a road layout of a proposed road <br /> to be called Country Club Lane.' They -were filing it and request1xg a public <br /> hearing. <br /> The road 'would code off of Old Barnstable, gust below the Church Village at the <br /> sharp end� with a temporary turn-around on, Phinney I s Rd. <br /> Mr. Umina paid the f i ling fee of $2GG.0C and the Board agreed to hold the <br /> public hearing on November 39 '1982 at 8-00 p.m. and the secretary was directed <br /> to advertise same. <br /> Mr. V irgilio came back to say that what he -w as requesting 'w a.s already authoriz ed <br /> under the By.-Laws and just needed to be enforced. <br /> r. Terry suggested he print it in the paper so people are aware of it. <br /> There was a public hearing held to consider the petition presented by fir. Tavares <br /> and Mr. Botello, which is attached. <br /> Mr. Terry read the amendment-and asked the petitioners to come forward. Mrs <br /> Terry then stated the Board had requested an opinion from Town t;ou.ns.el addressing <br /> the spot zoning and conflict of interest question. He then read the letter from <br />