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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of Mashpcc <br /> pLANMG BOARD MINUTES: August 4, 1982 <br /> �ERB PMENT s Richard Terry, E r l a Mrarstersy Michele S tone, Harold Collins, <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> CONSULTING E'G32' s Owles L. Rowley <br /> TMZt 900 p..m. <br /> .......... <br /> . a1PNIN 4' ik991B1• <br /> The minutes were approved and adopted for 7-21,-8�. <br /> Mr. Rowley informed the Board on the status of the house numbering. <br /> He said the As se scar I s Office has What they call legal cards which shows the <br /> lot number and whether there's a building on it t It also has a, place where a <br /> street number could go and this could be incorporated in it. He felt it would <br /> be easier using these cards rather than the boobs. <br /> He also brou4it up the question on how Sandy, this secretary, would be 'paid <br /> to help implement the kvstem. He wanted to know whether she 'would do it in <br /> the eve and be paid by the Board as she has a specific Job description for <br /> her job with the Building Department 'whiah doesn't include this. <br /> Mr. Harsters replied that he felt that the job description 'would be changed to <br /> include-this and Sandy be upgraded in pay. <br /> X-co Rowley said he was go to check with 116 Zme s & Y oGrath to see hov they had <br /> set ap the numbering system,, "Whether they had just assigned gibers to lots <br /> hich had buildings, , a.s m=y lots are urn wiibered but enough spaces had been <br /> left to giber them later. <br /> Went over the mai..1.. <br /> bleeting adjourned at 9:15 P■m. <br /> Respectfully submitted,, <br /> Sandra 1. Peters <br /> Secretary <br />