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07/21/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
07/21/1982 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> PLAT ING BOARD I MES s July 21$ 1982 <br /> MMeERS PRESENT: Earle Mar ster s, Richardson Jonas, Harold Collins <br /> bafBERS ABSENT: Richard Terry, Michele Stone, Consulting Engineer - Charles L. Rowley <br /> The minutes were adopted and approved for 7*-7 2, <br /> -Petitioner; Eldredge Engineering <br /> Submitted. by: Robert Eldredge <br /> Lo c ati.on o wonting Central Rd. and running back to Asher's Path <br /> Mr. Eldredge stated there had been a will made to divide this property into 2 lots. <br /> He presented a drawing showing the land.-_,divided into Parcel A and Parcel B. <br /> The Board informed Mr. Eldredge that it was not acceptable as the division put one <br /> lot as having front-ageon Asher's Path and. A sher's Path is not an acceptable road <br /> as it's not-401 wide. <br /> Mr. Eldredge then stated he'a just doing what the will says and plans to pen it' <br /> "Not Buildable, For Conveyancing Purposes Only". He presented a plan the Planning <br /> Board had accepted in 1966. <br /> Nor. Marsters infQrned him that what the Planning Board had accepted was the one f"uU <br /> lot with farontage on Central. Rd. and now he's _subdiviiding it. He also said the lot <br /> could be bui.7,.t on by rai,stake if no one sees the notation on the plan. Also, it <br /> doesn't make it a legal lot because it was drawn up in a will*' Under the Subdivision <br /> Laws, there are now 2 lots, 1 is a subdivision and the other is illegal. <br /> Mr. Eldredge felt the lot -may be added to an adjacent ,lot and Xr. Marsters told him <br /> if that was the case, he would have to show it on the plan and then there would be <br /> no problem. But as it is now, the Board couldn't accept it. <br /> Mr. Eldredge said he would see who the land is going to be sold to and make a new <br /> plan adding P arc el B to that abutting lot. He will return at the next meeting, <br /> August 4, at 9*0 00 p.m. <br /> Richard DeP amp hills. <br /> Four Seasons Drive <br /> Mr. DePamphil.i s returned with a revised plan of Pour Seasons ]rive. <br /> He stated that in doing a. title examination, the Land Court and his lawyer discovered <br /> a lot by McKinnon' s not only conveyed Lot 92, but also the feet in the middle of <br /> the road. The Land Court takes the position that you can't gust here a piece of hand <br /> hanging there, you have to make i t a lot. The Land Court asked them to combine <br /> Lot 95 with 90., and Lots 93 & 94 to become part of Four Seasons Drive. But it' s still <br /> going to be the road. <br />
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