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PLANNING BOARD <br /> `own of M a.s hp ee <br /> PLAMING BOARD laBUTE8: JUIY 7 v 1982 <br /> �ERS PRESS t Richard- Terx7$ Earle Mars tere, Iffichele 8 t one p Richardson Jonas, <br /> Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINM. : Charles L. Rowley <br /> The =i.=te s were adopted and approved for 6o,16,.8 2■ <br /> B-. Joan Thomas told the Board she world like them to oonsider implementing the <br /> Clear Zone for Otis A.F.B. She a they have the whole booklet as the whole <br /> tb no i s done and i t Vould be nice if the Pl Board could hold a ,p bli o <br /> h on i t and make that part of the <br /> Mr., first er s sa .d he mould like Otis to outline their noise abatement for the <br /> BwaTd as they I ire been ki ek it aroma for years, and they al ed they built <br /> a place for suppressing the noise. <br /> Tr. Jonas stated he 'was concerned as he had Land abutting Otis and doesn't want <br /> •oo be entirely restricted. <br /> Mrs. Thomas stated if they don't accept this, there's a limited, number of feet q <br /> depending on the noise d e oim►a1, that you oan build on because the no i se is so <br /> lend. She felt it would be advantageous to everyone to talk to COL. McXamaraf <br /> It was agr a ed that perhaps he ooul d come to the next P1 ng Board t ing on <br /> July 24 or sometime soon after <br /> Vouchers were signed to pay bills o <br /> Meet g adjourned at 900 pm. <br /> R e ape ctful ly submitted: <br /> Sandra L. Peters <br /> SECRETARY <br />