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PLANNING BOARD <br /> Town of M as hp ee <br /> PLAN MG BOARD TES s 6,w02,w82 Con I t. age <br /> There was di soussion on the house numbering system which the P1:anning Board <br /> had helped to set up but which was never .implemented. They asked Mrs Rowley <br /> to include implementing �� the system l.n the Highway Superintendent' ,job <br /> 'description- he is helping to draw up* <br /> Petitioners Roberta Appleby <br /> 3ubmi tt ed by s 'Richard Dubin, Atty. <br /> Locations 14 Vebquish Rd. <br /> Mrs. Appleby purchased the tot from Wayne Curley, who had bought it from Louis <br /> TTebqui.ah. At the time there ''as no covenant placed on the road the road <br /> was never finished and it has deteriorated substantial.l.y since -then. <br /> Mrs. Appleby wishes to market the lot and therefore she is propo sag to enter <br /> into a covenant v i th the Town to improve the road so a building permit can <br /> them be issued. She is seeking to restore the cul.e-de�sao to the shape on the <br /> plan and upgrade the road itself. <br /> The Beard suggested they do more research as to hog' many lots are involved, <br /> hoer manypeople are utili the road, whether the other owners will chip <br /> in to do the work. <br /> Mr. D ibin agreed and said they would return at the next meeting. <br /> ayne Tavares <br /> Corner of Bowdoin Rd.. & Rt. 28 <br /> Mr. Tavares would like to operate a retail business at this location which is <br /> Industrially Zoned. <br /> The B10ng Board informed him that in order for him to operate this type of <br /> business there, they would have to recommend it to the Board of Selectmen and <br /> them it would have to go before a town meeting in order to rezone the area,. <br /> The Board felt his request was reasonable but they suggested he make an access <br /> from Bovdoin Rd. rather than Rte. 28 and -that he do away with the professional <br /> off ices he's proposing and only provide an office for himself. They told him' <br /> to subi-Li t detailed plans, and although they couldn't man t ee a zoning change, <br /> they felt it was an excellent candidate for rezoning. <br /> r` Tavares said. hp would, retuxr_ with the detailed plans. <br /> Meeti'ng ad Journ ed at 9 w 5,C pm. <br /> Respectfully submitted'. <br /> tj el—n T A......— r1k—----1- -- <br />