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3 <br />Mashpee Select Board <br />Minutes <br />January 9, 2023 <br />APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br />Public_ Comment: (continued) <br />Ms. Dangel informed the Board that Mashpee environmental groups have gathered to discuss this crisis. The <br />Town has made momentum in 2021 with a unanimous vote to approve sewering, but we seem to be floundering. <br />It is essential for the various groups to work in concert to be successful in cleaning our waters. Previously, the <br />Select Board held several round table discussions, however, there have not been any further round table <br />gatherings. There appears to be too much confusion over articles and the impacts. Our citizens are confused. <br />Ms. Dangel indicated the key is having reliable information, and the Town needs to provide it. At a recent <br />Sewer Commission meeting there were discussions regarding the changes to the wastewater phases. It was <br />stated a new study may take 1.5 to 2 years to complete. Thereafter it is the design phase, and then the funding. <br />These decisions are delaying the entire project. With new and stringent regulations imposed by the DEP, we <br />must do better, we must move faster, and we need to understand our goals. Can we adhere to a 75% reduction <br />in 20 years? Ms. Dangel urged the Select Board to follow their lead as time is of the essence. <br />George Schmidt: Comments were deferred for the Santuit Pond discussion. <br />Mary Waygan, Ashumet Road announced a forum is being sponsored by the Salty Sport Fishing Club on <br />Wednesday, January 11, 2023 regarding the plan of Holtec to discharge waste from the nuclear power plant into <br />Cape Cod Bay. The meeting will be held at the Yarmouth Senior Center at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. <br />Ms. Waygan also offered comment on the recent New York Times article and is seriously concerned the Town <br />of Mashpee is being branded as a smelly place. It is hopeful the Town will declare 2023 as Mashpee's Clean <br />Water Area by sewering, imposing stronger stormwater management, and other initiatives such as fertilizer use, <br />low impact development, setbacks, etc. <br />Brian Everett: deferred comment. <br />Paul Cononi: deferred comment. <br />Jason Fisher: deferred comment. <br />Joe Appleman: deferred comment. <br />Nathan Adams: deferred comment. <br />Lynne Barbee a resident of Surf Drive echoed some of the comments that have been mentioned. Ms. Barbee <br />indicated that many residents in the Mashpee community earn a living selling real estate. Many are multi- <br />million dollar homes. However, there are many residents who are trying very hard to address our waters. <br />Realtors have been resistant to clean water measures such as setbacks, powerboats, etc. Ms. Barbee indicated <br />that it is important to look at the long term vision to address the water crisis so people can earn a living and the <br />rest of us can enjoy the waters. <br />Paul Pocins: deferred comment. <br />Eric Horme: deferred comment. <br />