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The Chairman called this matter to order and recognized Ron Bonvie. She also <br /> welcomed all of the Southport residents who were in attendance. <br /> The Town Planner reported that Applicant has filed a large set of plans for the <br /> project; and that some minor changes have been made to those trees that were marked <br /> last fall due to grading and retaining wall issues. <br /> Mr. Bonvie made reference to a plan of land entitled, "Phase III Section I <br /> Southport on Cape Cod by RIM Engineering, dated April 10, 2008". He indicated the <br /> proposed pond which will be created and explained that the shape has become irregular <br /> due to the location of those trees that are to be saved,resulting in a substantial change in <br /> the layout of said pond. All of the trees on this parcel of land{ -inch caliber specimen) <br /> have been flagged, numbered,and tagged. <br /> Mr. Bonvie informed the Board that the process has been working very well for <br /> the developer, landscape committee, Southport residents and Town. <br /> The Chairman expressed her pleasure with the accomplishment that has,been <br /> made with regard to the preservation of the trees on site. <br /> The Town Planner inter ected, explaining that he has learned to take the residents' <br /> concerns regarding"tree safety" into consideration. He also pointed out that there is <br /> more landscaping/new tree plantings located closer to the buildings. <br /> Mr. Bonvie stated there will be thousands of trees in this parcel and that there will <br /> also be transplanting of trees into the older sections(where appropriate). The entire <br /> Phase III consists of 6-units, with approximately 24-buildings in this Section. A <br /> landscape plan has been approved by the Landscape Committee and provided for the <br /> Board as well as common area planting plans, and a blueprint plan showing the unit <br /> layout and landscaping. <br /> References were made to a plan of land entitled, "Southport on Cape Cod Phase <br /> 111, Mashpee,MA,by DJG Construction,dated 03/25/08". <br /> There was discussion regarding the sewer system, Mr. Bonvie informed the Board <br /> that the Sewer and Groundwater Discharge plans have been approved by the state DEP <br /> for the entire section. <br /> There was also discussion regarding the creation of a pond,the proposed buffer, <br /> and control of the water. Mr. Bonvie stated that a number of other ponds have been built <br /> at Southport including one large pond equipped with a control structure design. The <br /> proposed pond in this section will be designed the same way, and has been reviewed by <br /> Mr., Rowley. He stated that all of the ponds at Southport function very well and have:no <br /> issues of concern, are producing vegetation and animal wildlife. <br />