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10/19/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
10/19/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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All voted unanimously. <br />Planning Board members signed the decision. <br />Mr. Bonvie stated that a lot may have been identified for the building, he wished to donate. Mr. <br />Fudala had been seeking an available lot. Mr. Bonvie inquired about requiring the affordable <br />unit be made available to a veteran. The Chair responded that she had been in contact with <br />Habitat for Humanity who stated that they would be unwilling to take the unit since the), are <br />restricted to new construction. The Chair recommended that the Town reach out to the <br />Executive Director of the Veterans Outreach Center on Cape Cod. A group home was recently <br />approved in Dennis using CPA funds. The Chair stated that the unit could be created with the <br />help of CPA funds, but that it would not count as affordable housing toward Mashpee's count if <br />it was restricted to veterans. However, she further stated that the Town may not be concerned <br />about it as it would still be a benefit to the 'rown, Mr. Bonvie stated that he would not seek <br />additional funds but would likely require a small mortgage, but again stated his preference that it <br />be earmarked as affordable for a veteran if possible, Mr. Fudala stated that the site was located <br />adjacent to Breezy Acres so would be an ideal location for a rental unit managed by the Mashpee <br />Housing Authority. <br />SPECIAL PERMITS <br />Status of parking facilities at 168industrial. Drive <br />Attorney Kevin Kirrane was present to discuss the current status. Mr. Kftrane indicated that <br />Matt Eddy and Mr. Rowley had discussed adjustments to the parking plan, which had been <br />submitted to the Board, Mr. Rowley stated that the plan was the same as before except that the <br />existing gravel spaces had been added to the plan. 'Unless drainage plans were changed, no <br />additional parking could be added. Mr. Fudala stated that the plan was a proposal and further <br />Modification to the Special Permit would be needed to change the site plan, with or without a <br />public hearing depending upon the Board's ruling. Mr. Fudala stated that parking spaces were <br />being added to what was supposed to be landscaped areas and the Chair responded that it was <br />preferable to adding on street parking. There were no additional cornments, <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that a public hearing was not needed. Mr. <br />Hansen seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />The Chair recommended that current and future tenants be reminded of parking etiquette. <br />LM01-11-Wom. 01 IWO-0 <br />Covenant Release of Industrial Drive <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion by roll call vote to add to the agenda tonight <br />Covenant Release of Industrial Drive Extension. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Hansen -yes; Mr. Balzarini-yes; Chairman Waygan-yes; Mr. Cummings -yes <br />Mr. Rowley stated that a comer of Industrial Drive had not been inspected following completion <br />of work at the site. Mr. Rowley inspected the site today and yesterday, the details of which were <br />contained in Mr. Rowley's letter and attached photographs. Additional work needed to be <br />
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