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Denise asked what the EDIC was doing to reach out to the Chamber (for example, events). Carol <br />suggested the EDIC have a “Coffee with the EDIC” at Cape Cod Coffee roasters one morning, <br />or maybe something in the evening, as a way to provide networking opportunities and outreach. <br /> <br />Patrice suggested the EDIC offer prize money for MCC events. <br /> <br />4. Finance Report <br />Robyn reported that the EDIC’s regular checking account has a balance of $22,400.48, savings <br />has a balance of $305,326.23. <br /> <br />5. Old Business <br />Title to the property on Commercial Street is bad and it will take a long time to clean it up. It goes <br />back to two town takings for nonpayment of taxes, with errors on both. <br /> <br />Other spots where there could be housing are the lot behind Town Hall (which the town owns), <br />Old Barnstable/Lowell Road (there is currently a housing feasibility study) and Route 130 where <br />a developer purchased land is looking to build workforce housing units. <br /> <br />6. Chair Updates <br /> <br />Carol said that the MCC was having a networking event at The Lanes on April 12 from 5:30-7:30 <br />and urged the members of the committee to attend. <br /> <br />Carol said she would ask someone from the Commons—most likely Sara Chase—to come to <br />an EDIC meeting. <br /> <br />Next meeting: April 25, 2023 <br /> <br />Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM. <br /> <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted by Pamela McCarthy <br /> <br /> <br />