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05/10/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
05/10/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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,,p,N14;M4CWl NY`;g. <br />y o V"d <br />f <br />Town,,,,. .Masai . ee Z'CanninBoard <br />16 Great Neck R.oadNorth <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Mr. Hansen noted the PFAs and machine gun range stir up enough activity. <br />Mr. Lehrer is not certain it belongs in the Vision Statement but there are actions of the base <br />that should be included in the LCP. Maybe it's an action to be defined in the water quality <br />chapter. <br />Ms. Waygan has it under section 10, to remove all threats of pollutants and emergents from <br />Joint Base Cape Cod. She likes Mr. Hansen's insight that there should be an agreement with <br />them that they will clean up their site that is polluting our waters. She would like to table this <br />item and think on it to see how or if it should be included into the Vision. <br />Mr. Lehrer commented that an action in the plan would be to initiate such negotiations, as Ms. <br />Waygan stated it could solve some of the housing crisis, wastewater, and alleviate traffic. <br />Housing <br />Ms. Waygan has been studying survey results and comments. It is proving difficult to <br />differentiate between goals so the consultants can better sort that out. At this point she would <br />like to be gathering all information and not taking anything out. <br />Mr. Lehrer will take the Board's feedback and sort into logical categories. Those that can't will <br />be discussed. <br />Ms. Waygan commented that it's been identified as a need to keep year round units as year <br />round and not rent them out weekly or short term. Some communities give tax breaks to <br />property owners of year round rental units. <br />Mr. Lehrer noted a goal would be to preserve existing year round housing. They would then <br />establish policies and short term accomplishments as the action steps. It would be a one to <br />five year timeframe, after the adoption of this plan, to achieve this goal. The Select Board or <br />Board of Accessors establishes a tax break in year one. <br />Ms. Faulkner inquired about the actions with parameters for completion. <br />Mr. Lehrer stated Weston & Sampson will populate the implementation table with who is <br />responsible, time frame for completion, funding source, etc. <br />Mr. Balzarini thinks there should be five year goals and ten year goals. <br />Mr. Lehrer commented all of our actions should be accomplished within a ten year period. <br />
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