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MASHPEE CULTURAL COUNCIL <br />MINUTES NOVEMBER 17, 2022 <br />Mashpee Senior Center — 2:00 pm <br />PRESENT: Wendy Bornstein, Nina Cocomazzi, Lee Smith, Mary Alice Stahleker, Andrea Watson, Janet <br />Wright. Missed: David Egel, Winnie Graham. <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The meeting was called to order by Andrea Watson at 2:05 pm. A quorum was determined present. <br />MINUTES <br />The minutes of the July 7, 2022 meeting were unanimously APPROVED on motion by L. Smith, seconded by J. <br />Wright. <br />TREASURER'S REPORT <br />Based on the LCC Account Form sent to the Mass Cultural Council in October, Nina reported: Account balance <br />at 6/30/22: S8722.75. Expenditures since 6/30 S1750; Pending Expenditures S3,250 (encumbered from 2021 <br />funds not having been paid primarily because of the pandemic) making the available remaining balance: <br />$3722.75. MCC grant is $6100 so amount available for granting: $9,822. Note that MCC rounds numbers. <br />On motion made by L Smith, seconded by W. Bornstein, the Treasurer's Report was unanimously VOTED. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />See New Business for report on Survey Results. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />The Mashpee Cultural grant requirements were reviewed, and decision process discussed. Each of the thirty- <br />one (31) grant applications totaling $25,290 was reviewed. It was unanimously VOTED by all present to <br />approve grant requests in the amount of $9,822. All were unanimously voted by those present as noted in the <br />attached and made a part of these minutes. A. Watson recused on #29. N. Cocomazzi will notify those whose <br />applications were denied via the new MCC system. M. Stahleker offered to help with any of this. The <br />applicants have 15 days to request reconsideration. Acceptance notifications will be sent by end December <br />2022 and projects must be completed by December 31, 2023. <br />Discussion continued on the future leadership of the Council. It was agreed that we should streamline activities <br />concentrating on grant applications, which is the core purpose of the Council. The survey completed in 2022 <br />satisfies the outreach requirements for three (3) years. Survey results are attached as part of these minutes. <br />Recruitment should commence and all are encouraged to consider possibilities for future members. <br />Business being completed, the continuation of the meeting scheduled for tomorrow is not required. <br />ADJOURN <br />On motion by W. Bornstein, seconded by J. Wright, it was unanimously VOTED to adjourn. Meeting <br />adjourned at 3:45 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Mary Alice Stahleker, Secretary <br />Attachments: Grant Applications and Results FY 2023, 2022 Survey Report <br />