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2 <br />Mashpee Select Board <br />Minutes <br />August 28, 2023 <br />Present: Selectman Thomas F. O'Hara, Selectman Carol A. Sherman, <br />Selectman David W. Weeden, Selectman Michaela Wyman -Colombo <br />Town Manager Rodney C. Collins <br />Assistant Town Manager Wayne E. Taylor <br />Absent: Selectman John J. Cotton <br />Meeting Called'to Order by Vice -Chairman O'Hara at 6:30 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall, Waquoit Meeting Room <br />APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br />Public Comment: <br />Comment was received from Reverend Nell Fields, Minister of the Waquoit Congregational Church in <br />support of the Tribe's request for land adjacent to their cemetery to expand its burial grounds. The <br />cemetery serves as a religious culture, a marker in history to help us preserve their traditions. <br />Ken Debrowski, Great Field Landing indicated the Town Manager was gracious to arrange his schedule <br />to meet with him this afternoon to respond to his comments. <br />Richard DeSorgher a resident of 65 Shields Road made note of a recent article which appeared in the <br />Boston Globe on What it takes to make a town alive and successful. One of the successes is to focus on <br />its uniqueness. In Mashpee we have our Wampanoag history and culture. Mr. DeSorgher indicated this <br />is an opportunity to show vision and leadership. The proposed village is envisioned to become a <br />keystone, in the midst of Mashpee's center which includes the Town Archives, the One Room <br />Schoolhouse, the Veterans Garden, and War Memorials, the vast majority of which is the Wampanoag. <br />A village surrounding these sites would give the Town of Mashpee the opportunity to create additional <br />historic features for the sense of the community. This also includes the Land at the Old Indian Burial <br />Ground for historic purposes and because is the right thing to do. <br />Pamela McCarthy of Lemington Lane voiced support for the warrant articles to respect our Wampanoag <br />friends and neighbors stating it is good for spiritual and cultural reasons. A Wampanoag Village would <br />become a historical place for those to come to learn of our history. Mashpee has a strong cultural <br />identity that we should encourage and nurture. <br />Ava Costello, Santuit Pond Rd spoke as a citizen of Mashpee encouraging all to support the cemetery a <br />historical landmark as this is another place for the Tribe to go and be with their ancestors. The living <br />museum, a Wampanoag Village in the 1700's is something that people can learn from, and share with <br />others. Ms. Costello stated this is the unique experience the Town has and she is hopeful the project <br />follows through. <br />