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2 <br />Mashpee Select Board <br />Minutes <br />July 24, 2023 <br />Present: Selectman John J. Cotton, Selectman Thomas F. O'Hara, Selectman Carol A. Sherman, <br />Selectman David W. Weeden, Selectman Michael Wyman -Colombo <br />Town Manager Rodney C. Collins <br />Assistant Town Manager Wayne E. Taylor <br />Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Cotton at 6:31 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall, Waquoit Meeting Room <br />MINUTES: <br />Monday. June 26.2023 Recular & Executive Sessions (with edits- continued from 7-17-23): <br />Motion made by Selectman Sherman to approve the Regular & Executive minutes of Monday, June <br />26, 2023 with amendments as presented. <br />Motion seconded by Selectman O'Hara. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. 4-0. <br />Roll Call Vote: <br />Selectman Cotton, yes Selectman O'Hara, yes Selectman Sherman, yes <br />Selectman Weeden, absent for vote Selectman Wyman -Colombo, yes <br />Opposed, none <br />APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br />Public Comment: <br />Jill Alpert a resident of Flat Pond Circle is the noted USA Pickleball Ambassador for the Town of <br />Mashpee. With over 250 members this sport brings joy, laughter, fitness, camaraderie, and allows us to <br />play with all even during covid they could be outdoors to laugh, run and play. Ms. Alpert indicated <br />pickleball gives folks a reason to eat healthier and there are positive impacts on well-being. Several <br />fundraisers have been held to benefit Heroes in Transition, the Police Fund and the Make a Wish <br />Foundation. Meals have also been given to those in need. The Select Board was respectfully asked to <br />open the courts on Sundays. It was suggested the Town conduct their own study on the noise. And, in <br />closing Ms. Alpert stated there is only one neighbor who has complained. <br />Rosanne Altshuler of Fells Pond Road voiced her support for pickleball. Ms. Altshuler disclosed she has <br />Parkinsons Disease. Pickleball has played an important role in her physical and mental health while <br />slowing the progression of the disease. It was explained this is great exercise for the body and brain. The <br />social nature of the game is most important. When she plays, Ms. Altshuler indicated she feels good about <br />herself and it gets her out of the house. Ms. Altshuler said she is thankful to the Mashpee pickleball <br />community as the sport has really saved her. Ms. Altshuler recommended the Town come together to save <br />the Mashpee pickleball courts. <br />