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<br />OLD BUSINESS <br /> <br />Planning for Public Meeting #2 <br /> <br />th <br /> Ms. Fisher noted that the suggested dates were July 13th, 14th, 27th, or 28. Mr. <br />Noonan has contacted New Seabury as a venue. Mr. Lehrer indicated that the New <br />Seabury ballroom was used previously. Mr. Lehrer wanted a later date, suggesting <br />thth <br />the 27 or 28 to allow advertising. Mr. Tomaino noted that a Thursday would be <br />preferable due to possible wedding events on a Friday. It was noted that Mr. <br />McManus would not be able to attend that later date. <br /> <br />ndth <br />Mr. Lehrer made a motion to do the 2 workshop on the 27 from 4 – 6 pm which <br />was seconded by Ms. Fisher. This was unanimously approved. <br /> <br />th <br />Ms. Wyman-Colombo suggested having a backup of the 13 which Mr. Lehrer was <br />amenable to. <br /> <br />th <br />Mr. Lehrer made a motion to have a backup date of the 13 between 4 – 6 pm if the <br />th <br />27 was not available, which was seconded by Mr. Oakley. This was unanimously <br />approved. <br /> <br />Stakeholder Meetings <br /> <br /> Preparations /Scheduling – <br /> <br />Ms. Fisher indicated that scheduling needs to be done soon to work with Urban <br />Harbors Institutes and to generate a list of stakeholders. Mr. Oakley indicated that <br />he reached out to the Tribe’s National Resource get Urban Harbors <br />Institute in front of a “focus group.” Mr. Noonan noted that he knew of several <br />New Seabury residents who were highly motivated/engaged and asked how large a <br />focus group should be. In response, Ms. Novelly indicated that it depends on the <br />stakeholder makeup and really the hope was to find people who were engaged. <br />(Fisherman due to scheduling might be done individually, for example). Mr. <br />Noonan asked that Ms. Novelly coordinate with everyone to schedule focus group <br />meetings. Ms. Fisher indicated that the Tribe and New Seabury meetings would take <br />place in the Summer with later meetings for other stakeholders in the Fall. As for <br />the Urban Harbors Institute group appearing before the Planning Board, Mr. Lehrer <br />indicated he would ask the Chair. Mr. McManus indicated that the Conservation <br />Commission would be amenable to an Urban Harbors Institute presentation. It was <br />noted that a presentation could be done for the National Resource Commission as <br />well. It was requested that the Urban Harbors Institute prepare a memo and provide <br />more information to facilitate the scheduling. <br /> <br />Individual Meetings with Committee Members <br /> <br /> Ms. Fisher noted the goal was to have all the members be interviewed by the Urban <br />Harbors Institute by the next meeting. (Mr. Lehrer will be interviewed the day after <br /> <br />