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Town of Mashpee <br />16 Great Neck road North <br />., Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Minutes of Meeting of <br />Design Review Committee <br />Tuesday, November 15, 2022 <br />Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br />Design Review Committee Members Present: Dave Morris, Jonathan Furbush, Karen <br />Faulkner, and Tyler Gaudreau. <br />Dave called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. <br />NEW HEARINGS <br />8:30 am Project Address: 11 Evergreen Circle <br />Business name: Best Buy Beverage <br />Owner/Anent Mattendra Patel, Manager <br />Rpkgest: A commercial vinyl sign 10 ft. long, 24" wide, with blue lettering 3-5" <br />and a white background to be mounted on the building. No lighting. <br />Mr. Patel presented the signage request for the new location of the Best Buy Beverage <br />business that recently moved from Echo Road. The 20 sq. ft. sign will be located at the front <br />entrance of the building that is allowed under Section 174-50 E (3) for the building that is just <br />under 9,500 sq. ft. There is a small area of the building that is currently unoccupied. Mr. Patel <br />will need to apply for a sign permit with the Building Department. <br />Mr. Gaudreau recommended that if any tenant occupies the vacant area of the building in the <br />future to apply with the Committee for signage. <br />Mr. Furbush made a motion to recommend the sign as presented. Ms. Faulkner seconded. <br />Mr. Morris took a roll call vote. All were in favor of the sign for Best Buy Beverage. <br />8:45 am Pro'ect Address: 26 North Street <br />Business name: Rustic Marlin <br />Owner/Agent: Brian O'Neil <br />Reguest: A 6 sq. ft., 12" tall by 72" wide wooden sign located on new store in <br />Mashpee Commons that faces Rte. 151. <br />Brian O'Neil presented the signage request for the business located in Mashpee Commons <br />that is visible from Rte. 151. Mr. O'Neil stated that this location is a short-term rental. The sign <br />will be located on the fagade of the building as was the previous business. He may put a sign <br />on the faeade that faces Rte. 151 at a later date. <br />