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Mashpee Housing AUthority <br /> 766 FWrnouth Road, UnR A4 - Maslhpee, MA 02649 <br /> TO: 508-477-6202-Fax: 508-477-4231 <br /> Mashpee Housing Authority Board of Commissioners <br /> June 30,2022 <br /> 5:00 PM <br /> Members Present: Jill Allen, Mary LeClair, Richard Klein, and Lisa Meizinger <br /> Members Absent: Mohamad Fated <br /> Others Present: Kimberly Conn, Executive Director <br /> List of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting and retained at the Authority's office: <br /> ® Meeting Notice/Agenda <br /> ® Harper's Payroll Proposal <br /> DECISIONS MADEIACTION TAKENARE IN BOLD <br /> 1. Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order by Jill Allen at 5:00 PM. A <br /> quorum was declared with the following members present, Jill Allen, Mary LeClair, and <br /> Richard Klein. Ms. Meizinger arrived at 5:03 pm. <br /> 2. Public Comment: There were no public comments. <br /> 3. New Business - Review Har er's Payroll Proposal. Ms. Conn reviewed the error <br /> uncovered by the new Fee Accountant with the previous filed 941's. It was discovered <br /> that the Retirement Deduction was set up incorrectly in the QuickBooks software. This <br /> error caused the taxable wages to be overstated on the 941's. However, the taxes <br /> themselves were reported and paid correctly. The employees W-2's had also been filed <br /> correctly. Ms. Conn then reviewed the proposal from Harper's Payroll for providing the <br /> bi-weekly payroll service, filing all necessary quarterly tax returns, and annual W-2's and <br /> W-3's. The annual cost estimate of $1,232.68 compares to the current annual <br /> QuickBooks costs. After a brief discussion, Ms. Meizinger moved to approve the <br /> Harper's Payroll Proposal, effective July 1, 2022, the beginning of the fiscal year; <br /> seconded by Ms. LeClair. Motion Carried. 4-Ayes, 0-Nays. <br /> 4. Other Business: None. <br /> 5. Next Meeting Date and Time: August 11, 2022, at 5:00 PM. <br /> 6. Adiournment: Ms. Meizinger moved to adjourn the meeting; Ms. LeClair seconded. <br /> Motion Carried 4-Ayes, 0-Nays. The meeting adjourned at 5:13 PM. <br /> Re e-eTtIly"submitted, <br /> Kimberly Cdim, MPHA, C7p <br /> Ex-Officio Secretary <br /> Executive Director <br />