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Dear Mashpee Residents, <br /> Your Finance Committee is comprised OF seven (7) fellow residents, alil Volunteers, who advise Mashpee's residents <br /> on all rnatters brought forth at Town Meeting, We are rrianclated by Town Charter to review all articles posed on the <br /> Town warrant, and to provide our recommendations to our fellow residents. We are to investigate, interpret, <br /> analyze, and thoroughly explain each Article so that the voter has a clear understanding of their vote's impact. As <br /> part of the above, we are also required to estimate a projected tax rate. <br /> After meeting with Town employees and committees, department heads,the finance team, and town management, <br /> we are pleased to report that the fiscal integrity of the Town of Mashpee is strong and in good order. This is <br /> attributable to competent managernerit, leadership from the Board of Selectmen, and diligent department heads <br /> and town personnel. All their efforts enable Mashpee to have the highest possible bond rating. <br /> All articles in the Special Town Meeting (13 articles) and the Annual Meeting (39 articles) warrants contained in this <br /> booldet have been thoroughly vetted by the Finance Committee, Each article includes a recommendation and an <br /> explanation from Selectmen and the Finance Committee. In our explanations, we attempted to make thern as clear <br /> and concise as possibie. We especially call your attention a series of new, hopefully easy-to-understand, charts and <br /> graphs that the Finance Committee has provided on the following pages to help you better visualize and understand <br /> the Town'sfinoncial activity and status. <br /> Most articles on the Special Town Meeting warrant deal with "housekeeping" matters pertaining to the current fiscal <br /> year ending June 30, 2020. Of these, we would like to call your attention to the following articles: <br /> Article#7 -This concerns Mashpee's CPA contribUtiOnto FORWARD in support of an autism facility which will <br /> be added to funding from the State and other Cape towns. <br /> Article#10 - This provides funds for an expanded upweller installation at Ockway Bay landing essential to the <br /> Town's successful nitrogen management plan. <br /> -There are 39 articles on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant, five (5) of which are ones put forth by petitioners. Of <br /> these, we would like to call YOUr attention to the following articles: <br /> Article#2 -This is the Town's Omnibus Budget request of$60.4 million for the new fiscal year beg-inning July 1,2020 <br /> Article#3—This is the Town's Capital Budget. At a little over$2 million, it is 1.5%over last year. <br /> Articles #7 through #9: These are the Town's first significant attempt at funding the Town's commitment to <br /> create a municipal wastewater management sewer system. <br /> 0 Article#7 calls for borrowing up$2.48 million to complete the design of the treatment plant and collection <br /> system. If approved, a subsequent Proposition 2% debt exclusion ballot vote will require passage. <br /> c, Article #8 creates the Municipal Water Infrastructure Investment Fund and partially funding it via a 2% <br /> surcharge on the annual property tax. <br /> Article#9 proposes a reduction of the annual Massachusetts Community Preservation Act surcharge from <br /> 3%to 2%. <br /> Article #23 — This enables the Town of enter into beneficial agreements to install solar photovoltaic energy <br /> systems on school property in the town. <br /> Based on the proposed budget, we estimate the FY21 total tax rate, including Community Preservation Act&Water <br /> District Tax, will increase 6 cents to $9.42 per thousand. <br /> YOU are the legislative body of OUR Town's government, and, as a mernber of that body, YOUR voice counts in <br /> determining Mashpee's future. Please take the tirne to review the material presented hereafter. If you have any <br /> questions, or want additional information, please make sure to present your concerns/questions to the Finance <br /> Committee, Board of Selectmen, or Town Manager, Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and your <br /> participation in shaping the future Of Our home, <br /> Mashpee Finance Committee <br /> Michael R. Richardson, Chair <br /> Jeffrey C. Pettengill, Vice-Chair <br /> A, Gregory McKelvey, Clerk <br /> Darlene G. Furbush <br /> Philip McCahill <br /> John W. Miller <br />