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16 Great Neck Road.North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Coming to the southern edge of the property offered the Board members a view of Bogs 2 and 3 at <br />which point the Town Planner asked Mr. Eddy to reiterate to the Board which Bogs are proposed for <br />restoration to mitigate the filling of the northernmost wetland onsite to accommodate the golf amenity <br />area. <br />Matt was able to show the Board how Quaker Run runs North -South directly through this bog system <br />and how manmade dykes are manipulating the flow of water in this area. <br />Mary asked about whether or not these remaining bogs will be the last remaining active cranberry bogs <br />throughout Willowbend's Development. <br />It was noted that there are still numerous other active cranberry bogs throughout the development. <br />Mary noted a bog adjacent Bogs 2 and 3 (active) that was clearly no longer in active agricultural <br />production and asked if these bogs were just left to go fallow. <br />Matt responded that they had and offered more detailed explanations of his opinions relative to the <br />quality of the wetlands onsite noting particularly a manmade dyke separating the subject parcel and <br />Bog 3 which are in fact connect by a culvert through the dyke. He asserts that the wetland portions of <br />275 Quinaquisset are the result of pre -disturbance. <br />As the group moved north along the easterly property line Mary asked Matt to identify to the group the <br />location of the proposed `Golf Amenity Area'. <br />While identifying the area to the group the Planner asked if the flagged trees represented the wetlands <br />delineation to give the Board better clarity over the limits of area proposed to be filled. Matt indicated to <br />the Board that the flags were indeed delineating the wetlands. <br />The Board closed the site walk by walking along the property's Quinaquisset frontage towards the <br />existing driveway. <br />Dennis asked about the existing striping, signage, and signaling to pedestrians and motorists along <br />Quinaquisset and the plans to improve those. Matt Eddy noted the agreement between the Town and <br />Willowbend for those signage and striping upgrades made in exchange with the donation of land for <br />town use as a lift station for the wastewater collection system. <br />Mary asked for Willowbend to provide some details regarding the proposed landscaping along <br />Quinaquisset. Troy Miller indicated it will be detailed on the proposed landscaping plan but would utilize <br />native vegetation to create a robust visual barrier that's in harmony with the result of the development <br />concept. <br />At the end of the driveway Dennis noted plastic pipe/tube protruding from the ground and asked what <br />they were. Matt confirmed these were blow -offs for the Mashpee Water District. <br />2 <br />