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*APPROVED (1-10-2024)* Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee Minutes December 21, 2023 <br />Select Board Chair John Cotton said that the Town has paid three years of lease payments, and a decision <br />needs to be made to keep them or not. Mr. Collins again referred to the oversight of not budgeting for the <br />buyout of the leases during FY2024. The lease agreements were shared with Finance Committee member <br />Greg McKelvey at his request. Dawn Thayer added that an incentive payment was received by Nissan in <br />the approximate amount of $40,000 ($10,000/car). Mr. Collins stated that he was asking to be authorized <br />to negotiate with Nissan for an amount up to $71,643.72. School Superintendent Patricia DeBoer asked <br />whether it would be better to return these cars and start new leases on new cars. Mr. Collins had asked <br />the Town's mechanic about the expected life of the vehicles especially the cost and timing of replacing the <br />cars batteries. Assistant Town Manager Taylor said that he was told that each battery could cost between <br />$5,000 and $6,000, but that the expected life should be more than six years and it was added there is <br />virtually no maintenance required on them. Mr. Collins further explained that being down four Town <br />vehicles will be difficult and that if employees use their personal vehicles they will be reimbursed at the <br />new IRS rate of $0.67 per mile. <br />Motion made by Mr. Cotton to approve and authorize Town Manager Collins to negotiate with Nissan a <br />purchase price for the four (4) electric vehicles (Nissan Leaf) not to exceed $71,643.72. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. Livingston <br />Discussion followed with questions about procedures allowed to purchase the vehicles in this manner. <br />At this point the Town Manager read the following opinion from Town Counsel (dated December 13, 2023) <br />into the record: <br />"Upon review of all these documents relative to CIPC/Town Meeting authorization of funding for <br />the subject electric vehicle leases/ charging station installation and our discussion relative to the <br />lease term expiration circumstances, the issue facing the Town now is a lack of available funds to <br />exercise the Town"s lease -end purchase option with respect to the four electric vehicles. The only <br />viable source of funding now available for this vehicle purchase, considering the recent expiration <br />of the leases and imminent repossession of the vehicles by the dealer, is a reserve fund transfer <br />approved by the Finance Committee pursuant to G.L. c. 40, §6. Such transfers can be approved by <br />the Finance Committee 'for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures". <br />Given that the proposed vehicle purchase would typically be a departmental capital outlay subject <br />to the CIP Charter and Bylaw requirements if the subject funds were to be appropriated by Town <br />Meeting as a component of the annual Capital Improvement Program, I would recommend, in an <br />effort to comport with the spirit and intent of the CIP Bylaw, that a Reserve Fund transfer for this <br />purpose also be reviewed and approved by the CIP Committee in its role as an advisory body relative <br />to Town capital outlays. <br />Let me know if you have any further questions." <br />Pat <br />Patrick J. Costello <br />Louison, Costello, Condon & Pfaff, LLP <br />