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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br />Committee <br />October 24, 2023 7:00 PM <br />_..... wuww .................. _w.w.. �_...... _ _.._._.. ww.w__ .Town Hall <br />Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br />Type of meeting: Monthly <br />Secretary: Barbara B. Nichols <br />Attendees: Members: Barbara Nichols, Paul Bibo, Don MacDonald <br />Guests: Allison Bernhardt <br />The minutes of the September 26, 2023 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Don <br />MacDonald and second by Paul Bibo. <br />Agenda topics <br />[Agenda topic 11 lake level/ diver outflow <br />Discussion: Debi did the lake measurements on October I" and 15th. The were 55.4 and 55.2 feet above <br />sea level. There were 16.5 inches of water were flowing over the board closest to the lake on the 15t <br />which decreased to 14 on the 15th. On the 1 st. there were 13.5 inches of water in the stream and 11.5 <br />inches on the 15th. The new metal gauge by DPW read 12 both times. Barbara measured 7.8 inches of <br />rain in her gauge from mid- September to mid- October, most falling the end of September. Levels were <br />reported to Drew McManus in Conservation. Barbara emailed Drew September 3`d. about the cage being <br />damaged and he said he would check it out and repair if necessary. <br />Conclusions: Them water level increased with the precipitation, Ybut has dropped down again. <br />[Agenda topic 2] Fall Newsletter <br />Discussion: Barbara presented the start of Fall Newsletter, containing articles on Cyanobacteria. lake <br />levels, and the Beach sampling program. Don will add a paragraph on the success of the catch basins <br />installed on Lakewood Dr. in preventing road run-off into the lake at their Association beach. Paul will <br />write an article on herring. Don will check with the harbormaster for an end of season report, <br />Conclusions: The newsletter should be out soon. <br />