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02/03/2024 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes (2)
02/03/2024 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes (2)
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1/30/2024 5:01:39 PM
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1/30/2024 8:36:08 AM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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I'm curious how they're going to do that. The other aspect was the technical aspect of the layer <br /> cake system and I left that to Brian because I knew he would talk to George and he and Brian <br /> are the leading people in that field on the layer cake so I left the technical aspect up to Brian on <br /> this. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: There was some discussion about how the property was going to change. <br /> They were shutting down the restaurant, shut down the laundromat, and it seems like there <br /> were a lot of changes in a short period of timie. And it certainly went to a ground water <br /> discharge type of situation. <br /> Mr. Harrington: From my original understanding, was that all of the flow from the restaurant <br /> was going to go away which took It below 10,000 and that the Iaundromat was going to go <br /> away because we brought up the fact that the industrial type tank that would be needed <br /> because the laundromat is industrial flow. So they got rid of the laundromat which reduced it <br /> by 2,000 gallons/day and they kept 22 of the seats, down from 80. So it took it out of the Board <br /> of Health realm when they took the flow back to about 10,000. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: I guess I'm just at a bit of loss as to how the town has no standing as to <br /> what occurs within its own boarders. I don't understand that contention that the DEP can just <br /> make that pointed statement that we have no standing. <br /> Mr. Harrington: Counsel did fight that and had a couple of arguments on that. But DEP didn't <br /> accept that, butt ey did accept the fact that it did recognize that the property is right next to <br /> the river and where it would have direct impact. used up that they kicked it back and gave us <br /> a 60 day stay to negotiate and mediate a solution. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: I don't know® I have to admit I'm not sure what the correct course of action <br /> is here. <br /> Mr. Harrington: So are you kicking around the idea of saying continue on and challenge it and <br /> not give them any kind of innovative alternative system as an option? Or just go back to <br /> counsel and say, Look, we need to fight this thing a 11 the way through. Sounds like that's what <br /> you're wrestling with a little bit. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: I am a little bit, yea. It's crazy to me that there's a contention that this <br /> town has no standing in a matter within its own boarders. Particularly when DEP recognized in <br /> its own decision to grant us a 60 day stay when there's a nitrogen issue in town that should be <br /> addressed. It weakens our position because we have to come up with something that is <br /> workable for the owner of this property when it's impacting more broadly to the entire town, <br /> It's not a small amount of flow, 10,000 gallons a day. I guess what would be prudent is to work <br /> with the selectmen or the sewer commission to try to make some sort of determination as to <br /> whether doing something at this property would have significant enough impact in terms of our <br /> nitrogen mitigation plan that it would make it worthwhile to pursue further. If the sewer plans <br /> being put into place area equate to address the needs for nitrogen removal and this property <br /> doesn't need to be factored or considered to meet those goals then certainly there is less <br />
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