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02/03/2024 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes (2)
02/03/2024 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes (2)
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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Mr. Harrington: I think that you've mentioned a bunch of things. You mentioned the layer cake <br /> box technology, the Nitrex and the Nitro and then the engineer having a discussion with George <br /> if they do want to go with a non-proprietary system, have that discussion with him. I think it <br /> would be worthy tot row out those other systems which may be considered acceptable in <br /> their nitrogen removal,to do at least what the board is hoping for. If we can throw that out <br /> there and have them bite at that. If they don't bite, have a discussion with George, and use the <br /> existing layer cake design as your fallback. Unfortunate, but it's something rather than nothing. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: Maybe this can be a point of discussion with our working session with <br /> Selectman Gottleib and Selectman Cotton next week. I don't know if we can do that outside <br /> executive session. <br /> Mr. Harrington: We would have to check with counsel before we mention this outside a <br /> meeting. It doesn't mcant at we can't include them in executive session. It doesn't just have <br /> to be the board,there can be other people involved in the discussion. But it does have to be a <br /> closed door discussion because of the liability. <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: What I would like to do is have a discussion with a representative oft e <br /> board of selectmen or whatever they deem appropriate and the chair of the sewer commission <br /> to assess the importance of this property in our future nitrogen plans. Let that inform what we <br /> ultimately decide to do but in the meantime, I agree, let's present a few options tote and <br /> see if they're willing to do those things I think it would be beneficial to us to have a better <br /> understanding oft e importance of the property if they reject those options we present wholly <br /> and say no this is what we're doing and that's it. If we take that information and say no,we're <br /> of topursue this, I want that to be based on the discussion with those town officials, Does <br /> that make sense Kripani? <br /> Ms. Patel: Yes, Would that fall into that 60 day remediation period? The fact that we're having <br /> conversations or trying to find other options for that? <br /> Chari Baumg aerie l: We do have a 60 day period. I don't think we should just sit on it. I think <br /> we should move expeditiously, But I think we do have time to work out some of these details. <br /> Mr. Harrington: I can look into where the property fits into the nitrogen removal as far as the <br /> CWIVIP and the larger picture and also the smialIer picture on where and why it was included in <br /> the original Phase 1. 1 can dig a little into that and it may give the board a little better basis on <br /> that end, <br /> Chair Baumgaertel: That would be good, if we could arrange for perhaps at the next executive <br /> session for this discussion. In two weeks or next week, depending on what you think the timing <br /> will or out best if we can have that with chair of the sewer commission and I would <br /> recommend Selectman Gottleib participate in that discussion as he is one of the drivers fort e <br /> nitrogen removal plans for the town. I just want to make sure we are all on the same page. I <br /> don't want to make that decision in a vacuum. <br />
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