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11/15/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/15/2023 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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OF MAS�A�tn <br />IXI. i8i0 <br />FG <br />YdMUW MP <br />16 Great Neck RoadNorth <br />wlashyee, -Massachusetts oz649 <br />$10,000,000 homes. The people paying the most are getting the most benefit from this. We <br />could consider looking at flat rates or covering minimum charge for water district. <br />Lynne Barbee- She has been heavily interested in the LCP process. She took the time to go <br />through what was in the packet and made comments. She redlined items, but will not comb <br />through every detail. Starting with housing, Goal H4, create affordable housing. Is the town <br />going to promote this or are we going to create the promotion of housing? She doesn't <br />understand Policy H1 and how that would work. H2 is form based code, she knows people talk <br />about it, she is not sure what it means. If we use that language there needs further <br />explanations and why it would be better than what we have now. On H6 she would hope to say <br />actively engage and regularly fund the Affordable Housing Trust. Let's encourage the meeting <br />of the trust. What does it mean to develop incentives for affordable senior housing? She <br />doesn't disagree, it just raises questions. Some of these items should be explained more in the <br />document. The Affordable Housing Coordinator should be a member of the Affordable Housing <br />Trust. H13 states assess ways for the private sector to contribute. We want to encourage or <br />promote, saying assessing ways is vague and doesn't elaborate on what the goal would be. <br />Economic Development under ED3, consider increasing Kids Klub childcare program, sounds <br />wonderful, but how does that work? It's unusual to have a town run childcare program. She <br />would love to see it quadrupled. ED4 says evaluate use conflicts in fisheries and sounds like <br />awkward language. Are there competing issues within the development of fisheries? ED5 <br />states to promote business, which then promotes living wages, but how does the Town do <br />that? It's a great goal, but we should be able to explain how we can actually facilitate these <br />items better. Would that be by way of tax breaks? ED9 notes to increase access to childcare <br />for Mashpee's workforce. Does that mean within the Kids Klub organization or other incentives <br />for home based childcare? Also, what in our current bylaws prevent homebased childcare? <br />ED2 says minimize homelessness, we might want to say address homelessness or create <br />programs to address homelessness. <br />Under Sustainability S6, maintain dams in good condition, it's an important goal, but maybe we <br />work with state and local resources to help maintain. She is unsure the town has the <br />wherewithal to maintain dams on their own. She likes S5 and hopes that will lead to a bottle <br />ban. Under Natural Resources NR4, it states to limit construction in land under ocean to <br />maintain a restored habitat. This is not a clear sentence to her. In all of the housing chapter <br />there is nothing under the water column for housing. It comes in under Natural Resources, it <br />seems to her water should be a wider issue. NR17 notes to explore the use of district of critical <br />planning concern, which means something to a Town Planner, but that doesn't mean anything <br />to her. We want people to read and absorb this document. Land Use mentions form based <br />code. She read the tree bylaw. There is more form based code under Heritage Preservation. <br />PA <br />
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