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02/15/2024 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
02/15/2024 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Finance Committee <br />Minutes <br />February 15, 2024 <br /> <br /> <br />County Retirement increased by 13.1%. Mr. Collins stated that this number will go down as there is an early <br />st <br />payment reduction and the Town always pays it by July 1. <br />He went on to state that the current recommended budget includes reclassification of 2 part-time positions to <br />full-time and also adding full-time employees in the DPW and the Police Department. He said that these <br />positions should satisfy all mission critical needs to maintain department operations except for the Wastewater <br />Department which will be a separate item unto itself once the Town is operational. <br /> <br />Mr. Collins stated that he has met with the School Department and adjustments are still being considered. <br /> <br />He said that he feels comfortable in saying, after meeting with the Finance Team, that they will not be looking <br />for an override for FY25 but he does not see any way possible not to be seeing one in FY26 when the Town gets <br />to the point of Wastewater being online and to maintain the services that we have now. <br /> <br />The Capital Improvement Program Committee is recommending $7,600,634 for FY25 which is reduced from the <br />original request of $9,457,840. This reduction includes an outstanding matter involving window security film at <br />the schools. There is a concern that the film has a detrimental impact on radio communications and a test is <br />th <br />expected to take place on February 20 once they have the results they will be meeting with CIP and go from <br />there. <br /> <br />Mr. McKelvey inquired as to how they were able to achieve a $1.6m reduction in the Operating Budget. <br />Dawn Thayer responded that there were several Departments that they made adjustments in. One being, they <br />had a couple of retirements and also have some upcoming retirements of top stepped employees. They will be <br />replaced with lower stepped employees creating a savings in some of the salaries. <br />She reported that there was a $232,000 reduction in Health Insurance due to a change in the number of <br />enrollees. The original estimated increase was 10% and it came in at 8%. <br />Unemployment claims decreased by $20,000. <br />Insurance premiums were reduced by $159,000 based on more accurate figures. <br />The Temporary Interest is being reduced by about $75,000 after the Treasurer fine-tuned it. <br />And, a large portion of the proposed reductions are the recommended School reductions. <br />Mr. Collins said that a large portion is the Sewer Project. The Town is saving $400,000 by budgeting for a half <br />year versus an entire year. He reminded the Committee that this is a temporary budget decrease. <br />When asked if the Wastewater Department will continue to oversee Wastewater Operations, Mr. Collins <br />responded that his anticipated plan is that the Superintendent will continue to oversee contracted services and <br />will have an assistant. <br /> <br />Mr. McKelvey asked Mr. Collins to give a breakdown of CIP. <br />Mr. Collins said that out of DPW there is $703,127 all coming from Capital Stabilization. <br />The Transfer Station, $26,000 coming from a DEP Grand and Capital Stabilization. <br />Fire Department, $615,000 from ambulance receipts and Capital Stabilization. <br />IT, $100,000 all from MCAT Funds. <br />DNR, $338,007 Capital Stabilization. <br />Planning and Construction, $5,300,500 of which $100,000 for the School window film, $47,500 for flooring <br />replacement, $25,000 for Security Camera/DVR replacement, $128,000 for fire alarm system upgrades, $70,000 <br />DNR Shellfish Propagation upgrades is all coming from Capital Stabilization. Additionally, $$80,000 for a DPW <br />masonry wall restoration is coming from re-authorized existing funds, $2,700,000 for the PD station <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />
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