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MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> Wednesday, September 20, 1995 <br /> EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES <br /> ............. <br /> After ia roll :all vote, the members went into executive Ses,55ilnn <br /> at 7- 12 p. m. Present were Chairman Ferragamo, Mr . C'.:_-.ffey, Mr . <br /> Balzarini , Ms. Mei.jering, and Mr . Mitiokostas. Also present were <br /> F. Thomas rudala, Eric Smith and Jr-4-in Kuchinsky. <br /> Chiairman Ferragamo said nothing has changed -since September 11-th <br /> when they received Town Counsel is let-ter in response to Mr . <br /> Sullivan' s written input to the Board. In the letter Town Counsel <br /> sayf,.-, Mr . Sullivan' s response, that he had no knowledge his <br /> property was open space, didn' t point to anything in the <br /> statutes, bylaws or court cases. Chairman Ferragamc, said based <br /> on that there doesn't seem to be a mechanism for the Board to <br /> zkppr ove a subdivision of open space. He said the key is5ue is <br /> whcn knew what and when and that ' s to be investigated, but it has <br /> nothing to do with the Board. Mr . Mitiokostas said it would be <br /> for the court to decide. <br /> Chairman Ferragamca said if the Board feels they still can' t <br /> approve the plan, he will ask Town Counsel for the language for a <br /> mot ion of denial . He said he spoke with Mr. Rowley and Mr . <br /> Rowley suggested the Board reference cites in its decision. <br /> Mr . Fudala said he' s prepared a proposed motion which gives <br /> cites, and also mentions the length of the dead end road and <br /> access onto Great Hay Rd. Mr . Mitiokostas said they are now <br /> talking technical issues. Mr . Fudala said this may be the <br /> Board' s only chance to review all those technical issues. He said <br /> once it comes back from court the Board may not be able to <br /> address those issues. Mr. Fudala recommended the Board put every <br /> issue in the basis of the denial . Mr . Coffey thought Town <br /> 17'r--iunsel wanted the denial brief and wondered about adding the <br /> language regarding technical issues. Mr . Fudala said Town <br /> 17,-tunsel ' s rerc-mmended motion was brief because she wasn' t told of <br /> other issues at the time. He felt if it goes to court and fc r <br /> some- reason the applicant WinS on the SUbdivi,_;iion issue, the <br /> Bo, rineds. the technical issues to fall back on. Mr . FUdala <br /> said once the Board denies the plan they can' t get another rracl•r <br /> at mentioning the technical issues or add those, issues later . <br /> Chairman Ferragamo said lots 5, .1.3 and 14 are in the grey area -:4 <br /> the zc,ning bylaw. He said it appears -the plan would be a <br /> division of open space that was approved as the basis of the <br /> CIUSter subdivision. C'hairman Ferragamo said he knows of no <br /> statute that allows that. He said the Bc-ard doesn' t know of any <br /> mechaniFim available to the Board to approve this plan and Town <br /> Cp­iunsel didn ' t feel there was any either . Chairman Ferragamo <br /> said Mr . Sullivan hasn' t ben able to show it . He felt at this:� <br /> point the Board can put everythiing together . <br />