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MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 11, 2024 <br /> MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> Two year mitigation monitoring and maintenance contract with a certified <br /> professional." <br /> Mr. Reidy read the abutter letters into the record from 231 Monomoscoy Road, <br /> 11 Childs Road, and 221 Monomoscoy Road. <br /> Chairman Bonvie asked for Board and Building Commissioner comments. <br /> Mr. David Morris, Building Commissioner pointed out that the reason that this <br /> project was in front of the Board was because of the proposed use. At the first <br /> meeting, the homeowner presented this project that he planned to construct the <br /> new structure as a garage for his own storage of his boat, and construct a one- <br /> bedroom apartment above as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), which is not <br /> allowed under the bylaw §174-25 1 (1) - Accessory Uses. <br /> Mr. Morris said depending upon the Board's decision, if approved, he would like <br /> to impose a condition that the garage is for the use of the residence of the home <br /> only, and because the dwelling is in a flood zone, that storage is only allowed for <br /> vehicles, car, boat, etc., such as limited items stored in a shed. The third item is <br /> the building access. He also asked if the applicant can eliminate the door that is <br /> located on the side of the garage. He doesn't see a need for that door. <br /> Mr. Steve Cook who drafted the house plans said that there are other buildings <br /> in Town that have this side door, and it is useful to enter into the garage. <br /> Chair Bonvie spoke and explained to the applicant that he had a meeting with <br /> the Building Commissioner to discuss his concerns. He also knows that the <br /> Building Commissioner had met with the applicants a couple times to discuss <br /> his concerns and the initial presentation of the proposed garage with an <br /> accessory dwelling above. Mr. Bonvie has concerns regarding the garage door <br /> that is 10 ft. high and is equal to the ridge of the existing house. He understands <br /> that the abutting two-story properties were constructed as a matter of right, and <br /> were not required to be presented to this Board, and were not determined if they <br /> were more detrimental to the neighborhood or not. The garages on those <br /> properties were accessory to the main dwelling. <br /> Mr. Bonvie believes that this project has a massing issue because this lot is only <br /> 4,000 sq. ft., and the size of the proposed structure is large. His issue is to find <br /> if it is more detrimental to the neighborhood. He wants to hear from the <br /> audience. <br /> 3 <br />